Manufacturing Industries in the Capital Region, Concentration Levels and Competitiveness

Manufacturing Industries in the Capital Region, Concentration Levels and Competitiveness
Industry Title NAICS Employment, 2019 Location Quotient, 2019 Employment Changes due to Local Competitiveness, 2009-2019
Food Manufacturing 311 3,693 0.3 1,114
Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing 312 2,320 1.08 1,321
Textile Mills 313 71 0.09 43
Textile Product Mills 314 208 0.25 104
Apparel Manufacturing 315 147 0.18 58
Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing 316 147 0.72 139
Wood Product Manufacturing 321 828 0.27 -352
Paper Manufacturing 322 263 0.1 166
Printing and Related Support Activities 323 2,013 0.63 25
Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing 324 179 0.21 106
Chemical Manufacturing (Resource-Intensive Commodities) 3251-3253 301 0.14 76
Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing 3254 2,114 0.92 84
Chemical Manufacturing (Locally Processed Goods) 3255-3259 722 0.37 381
Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing 326 2,031 0.37 582
Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing 327 3,107 1 246
Primary Metal Manufacturing 331 525 0.18 -20
Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing 332 4,599 0.41 696
Machinery Manufacturing 333 4,727 0.56 62
Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing 334 28,026 3.48 5,442
Electrical Equipment, Appliance and Component Manufacturing 335 3,012 1 1,129
Motor Vehicle, Body and Parts Manufacturing 3361-3363 636 0.09 184
Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing 3364 890 0.22 231
Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 3365-3369 65 0.04 58
Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing 337 1,622 0.56 215
Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing 3391 1,409 0.58 486
Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing 3399 1,387 0.63 -461
Total – Manufacturing 65,043 0.68 12,115

Sources: JobsEQ and Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts