programsMatch the Promise

My Future Career

Adriana | future optometrist

The career that interests me is that of an optometrist. I've been to the eye doctor many times, and I've always felt like what they do is amazing. They help people see, and being able to see is wonderful.

As for education and training, optometrists must receive a Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) degree. It’s a 4 year program that gives you a license to do your practice.

In order to get into the program, you need to complete 3 years in college, but most go ahead and get their Bachelor's Degree. During that time, you should take courses such as biology, chemistry, physics, math, and English. You're also required to take the Optometry Admissions Test in order to enter the program.

Optometry is in the medical field, and I believe that is a very good field to go into because these jobs are in high demand. There were over 30,000 optometrist jobs available in 2012, and the number is expected to increase.

This past semester, I completed a class called, “Career Exploration.” We got to research what careers we liked and see what other jobs were in the same cluster. I figured out that I liked the “Health Sciences” cluster best and researched all the careers in it. I found that I liked the job of an optometrist best.

I haven't actually been able to take active steps to learn about my career, as we don't yet have much of an option with courses. At the moment I'm just trying to do small things such as get good grades and do a little research at the library. I hope that by doing this, I'll be able to achieve my goal of becoming an optometrist myself.

Adriana's essay appears here as written, to preserve the young author’s unique voice and individual writing style. However, we have deleted personally identifiable information to protect the student’s privacy.