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Engineering is Cool

Erik | future engineer

I really love math and science. I also love taking things apart and building things, especially Legos. When I grow up, I am pretty sure that I want to be some kind of engineer. I would really like to be a player in the NBA, but that's not very realistic. Sure I like to play basketball and I'm pretty good, but it seems more likely that I can use my skills in math and science to have a career in engineering. Besides that, one of my favorite people, my grandfather, was a Chemical Engineer. He even gave me some very interesting things from when he was in college way before there were calculators and computers He likes to talk about the neat stuff he worked on when he was younger, and he makes it seem fun, so I want to be an engineer . . . maybe even one who designs medical devices and equipment since I like to build things and it would be very nice to build things that would help people feel better. I know that I will have to have really good grades if I want to be an engineer, so I try to work very hard in my math class so that I understand everything. I think it would be lots of fun to be an engineer and at the same time get to help people!

Erik's essay appears here as written, to preserve the young author’s unique voice and individual writing style. However, we have deleted personally identifiable information to protect the student’s privacy.