
Centralized Master Bidders List (CMBL) Profile Updates/Maintenance

New Fraud Alert - March 12, 2024

Historically Underutilized Business members have reported receiving suspicious emails. Read more.

Vendors are responsible for maintaining an active CMBL profile with information for all required fields. Contract-awarded vendors must also notify the purchaser listed on the contract of any business information changes after updating their CMBL profile.

Updates to a CMBL profile made online can be viewed after 30 minutes of submission on the CMBL Search. On the next page after submitting the search, the vendor will select "Go" and click on the vendor name to view the profile.

Class/item listings and district selections should be monitored by each vendor to ensure receipt of bids that apply only to products or services that can actually be provided.

For changes to tax identification numbers, business names, or business merges, please email the CMBL Help Desk or call 512-463-3459.

Additional locations with the same business name or tax identification number requires CMBL staff to create the file. Vendors should email the CMBL Help Desk or call 512-463-3459 for assistance.

Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) vendors also on the CMBL need to contact the HUB Help Desk, 888-863-5881 for assistance on tax identification numbers or business name changes .

CMBL activation notifications regarding status are e-mailed and mailed by regular mail to the vendor.