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The Cash Report vs. ACFR: A Snapshot


The State of Texas Annual Cash Report:

  • presents cash balances, cash payments and receipts
  • includes only funds held within the State Treasury
  • is not independently audited
  • cash basis - presents financial information based on when cash is actually received or disbursed during the fiscal year

The Cash Report is published the first Monday in November and covers the previous fiscal year (Sep. 1 through Aug. 31.)

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)

The Texas Annual Comprehensive Financial Report:

  • presents information on all state assets, liabilities, revenues and expenditures, and related financial and statistical information
  • reports on all state funds, including those held outside the State Treasury
  • is audited by the State Auditor's Office
  • accrual basis - presents financial information based on when revenue is earned or liabilities are incurred during the fiscal year, rather than when cash is actually received or disbursed

The ACFR is published the last day of February and covers the previous fiscal year (Sep. 1 through Aug. 31.)