
Contract Management Office

The Statewide Procurement Division (SPD) Contract Management Office (SCM) assists state agencies, institutions of higher education, Texas Smartbuy Members, contractors, and internal customers with day-to-day contract management, contract administration, reporting requirements and vendor performance issues related to statewide contracts. We encourage you to establish an active working relationship with SCM to ensure that our statewide contracts are giving you the best value.

SCM's purpose is to efficiently and effectively manage state contracts using best practices, and to promote and ensure adherence with the Texas Procurement and Contract Management Guide, Version 3.0 (PDF) within SPD and throughout the state. In addition, SCM assists over 220 state agencies and almost 1600 Texas Smartbuy Members with effective contract management issues, such as price increase requests, contract amendments and reporting requirements. The SCM team actively manages Emergency Contingency Contracts, SPD Term Contracts, SPD Managed Contracts and provides support and oversight for the management of TXMAS Contracts, Travel and Fleet Contracts.

Contract Management Assistance

For contract management assistance or questions regarding contract reporting requirements or other issues, please email us or contact one of our staff members.

Vendor Performance issues should first be entered into the Vendor Performance Tracking System (VPTS). For questions on the VPTS, send us an e-mail or call 512-463-3913.

Contract Manager Training Requirements

Government Code, Section 2262.053 requires that individuals who have significant contract management duties shall complete training provided by the Comptroller's office. Get details on Training and Certification.