Use our online search to find a taxpayer's Franchise Tax Account Status page.
"Certificates of Account Status," previously called "Certificates of Good Standing," provide the status of an entity's right to transact business in Texas. Franchise tax account status may be required to conduct real estate or financial transactions. Search results reflect the Comptroller's records at the time the query is made.
The Comptroller is required by law to forfeit a company's right to transact business in Texas if the company has not met franchise tax filing requirements under Chapter 171. The law also requires the Comptroller to give at least 45 days, beginning after the notice of pending forfeiture is mailed, before the actual forfeiture. Any franchise tax deficiencies must be cured during that period to avoid the forfeiture of the right to transact business in Texas. If the corporate privileges are forfeited, the entity will be denied the right to sue or defend itself in a Texas court and each director or officer will be liable for the debt of the entity. See Texas Tax Code Section 171.255, Liability of Director and Officers.
A printout of an entity’s Franchise tax account status from our online search is not acceptable for filings with the Secretary of State (SOS).
When terminating an entity, you must complete Form 05-359, Request for Certificate of Account Status to Terminate a Taxable Entity's Existence in Texas (PDF), to obtain a certificate for filing with the SOS. The certificate is available in hard copy or PDF format.