Contact Information:
306 W. 1st St.
San Angelo, TX
76903 Phone: (325) 657-4355 Fax: None Reported
Classification: TLFFRA Year Created: Fiscal Year-End Month: 12
Total Members : 348
Total members includes all active members, inactive members and annuitants.
Active Members: 188 Inactive Members : 4
Inactive members are vested and non-vested terminated members of a retirement plan.
Total Annuitants: 156 (Effective Date: 12/31/2022)
(Effective Date: 12/31/2022)
Total Net Assets: $68,900,574
Total Assets : $68,900,574
Total gross fair value of assets held in trust by a pension plan, not net of financial liabilities such as payables..
Total Liabilities : $0
Financial liabilities, such as payables, securities lending obligation to return collateral, and debt for plans that use leverage. Total liabilities do not include the actuarial accrued liability.
Total Additions : $5,469,790
The sum of total investment income and other income (even if negative), and employer, employee and other contributions. Total additions are what causes the asset value to increase during the reporting period.
Employer Contributions:
Employee Contributions:
Other Contributions:
Investment Income:
Other Income:
Total Deductions
The sum of benefit payments, withdrawals, all administrative and investment related expenses. Total deductions are what causes the asset value to decrease during the reporting period.
The assumed rate of return represents the expected long-term performance of the plan's investments. This number is usually approved by the board.
(Effective Date: 12/31/2021)
Actuarial Value of Assets : $83,445,130
Actuaries often select an asset valuation method that smooth the effects of short‐term volatility in the market value of assets. The actuarial value of assets is intended to give fund managers a more accurate picture of the fund’s ability to cover its liabilities.
The funded ratio is the value of a pension plan's assets, expressed as a percentage of the plan's total actuarial liability. For example, if the unfunded liability was zero, the funded ratio would be 100%, as the plan’s assets would be equivalent to its liabilities.
Market Funded Ratio: 64.98%
Amortization Period (Yrs) : 29.7
The amortization period is length of time required to eliminate a pension plan's unfunded liability based on current contributions from employers and active members. The Texas Pension Review Board has adopted guidelines that this period should never exceed 40 years, while the preferred range is 25 to 30 years. The arrows indicate whether the current amortization period is higher, lower or equal to the length of time reported in the prior reporting period.
Unfunded Liability : $42,942,341
The unfunded liability is the amount of projected pension benefit obligations in excess of the value of assets.