taxes Property Tax Assistance

2019 ISD Summary Worksheet


013-903/Pettus ISD

Category Local Tax Roll Value 2019 WTD Mean Ratio 2019 PTAD Value Estimate 2019 Value Assigned
A. SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES 26,591,700 0.9383 28,340,296 26,591,700
B. MULTIFAMILY RESIDENCES 357,630 N/A 357,630 357,630
C1. VACANT LOTS 1,330,200 N/A 1,330,200 1,330,200
C2. COLONIA LOTS 41,530 N/A 41,530 41,530
D1. QUALIFIED AG LAND 4,540,035 1.1187 4,058,173 4,540,035
D2. REAL PROP:FARM & RANCH 3,836,340 N/A 3,836,340 3,836,340
E. REAL PROP NONQUAL ACREAGE 31,482,840 1.0666 29,517,007 31,482,840
F1. COMMERCIAL REAL 1,773,330 N/A 1,773,330 1,773,330
F2. INDUSTRIAL REAL 290,459,400 N/A 290,459,400 290,459,400
G. OIL,GAS,MINERALS 10,585,010 0.9961 10,626,453 10,585,010
J. UTILITIES 75,862,740 0.9579 79,196,931 75,862,740
L1. COMMERCIAL PERSONAL 3,381,871 N/A 3,381,871 3,381,871
L2. INDUSTRIAL PERSONAL 30,533,530 N/A 30,533,530 30,533,530
M. MOBILE HOMES 1,458,350 N/A 1,458,350 1,458,350
Subtotal 482,234,506 0 484,911,041 482,234,506
Less Total Deductions 33,230,447 0 34,274,443 33,230,447
Total Taxable Value 449,004,059 0 450,636,598 449,004,059

The taxable values shown here will not match the values reported by your appraisal district

See the ISD DEDUCTION Report for a breakdown of deduction values

Government code subsections 403.302(J) AND(K) require the Comptroller to certify alternative measures of school district wealth.These measures are reported for taxable values for maintenance and operation(M & O) tax purposes and for interest and sinking fund(I & S) tax purposes.For districts that have not entered into value limitation agreements, T1 through T4 will be the same as T7 through T10.

Value Taxable For M & O Purposes

T1 T2 T3 T4
451,886,589 449,004,059 451,886,589 449,004,059

Loss To
the Additional
$10,000 Homestead
50% of the loss
to the Local Optional
Percentage Homestead
2,882,530 0

T1 = School district taxable value for M & O purposes before the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption

T2 = School district taxable value for M & O purposes after the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption and the tax ceiling reduction

T3 = T1 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

T4 = T2 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

Value Taxable For I & S Purposes

T7 T8 T9 T10
451,886,589 449,004,059 451,886,589 449,004,059

T7 = School district taxable value for I & S purposes before the loss to the additional $10, 000 homestead exemption

T8 = School district taxable value for I & S purposes after the loss to the additional $10, 000 homestead exemption and the tax
ceiling reduction

T9 = T7 minus 50 % of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

T10 = T8 minus 50 % of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption



013-903/Pettus ISD

Category Local Tax Roll Value 2019 WTD Mean Ratio 2019 PTAD Value Estimate 2019 Value Assigned
A. SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES 1,342,198 N/A 1,342,198 1,342,198
C1. VACANT LOTS 17,950 N/A 17,950 17,950
D1. QUALIFIED AG LAND 1,526,069 N/A 1,487,655 1,526,069
D2. REAL PROP:FARM & RANCH 665,225 N/A 665,225 665,225
E. REAL PROP NONQUAL ACREAGE 10,431,306 N/A 10,431,306 10,431,306
F1. COMMERCIAL REAL 1,315,457 N/A 1,315,457 1,315,457
F2. INDUSTRIAL REAL 148,380,130 N/A 148,380,130 148,380,130
G. OIL,GAS,MINERALS 15,314,740 N/A 15,314,740 15,314,740
J. UTILITIES 11,624,120 N/A 11,624,120 11,624,120
L1. COMMERCIAL PERSONAL 44,820 N/A 44,820 44,820
L2. INDUSTRIAL PERSONAL 6,071,500 N/A 6,071,500 6,071,500
M. MOBILE HOMES 888,798 N/A 888,798 888,798
Subtotal 197,622,313 0 197,583,899 197,622,313
Less Total Deductions 77,264,080 0 77,264,080 77,264,080
Total Taxable Value 120,358,233 0 120,319,819 120,358,233

The taxable values shown here will not match the values reported by your appraisal district

See the ISD DEDUCTION Report for a breakdown of deduction values

Government code subsections 403.302(J) AND(K) require the Comptroller to certify alternative measures of school district wealth.These measures are reported for taxable values for maintenance and operation(M & O) tax purposes and for interest and sinking fund(I & S) tax purposes.For districts that have not entered into value limitation agreements, T1 through T4 will be the same as T7 through T10.

Value Taxable For M & O Purposes

T1 T2 T3 T4
120,809,501 120,358,233 120,809,501 120,358,233

Loss To
the Additional
$10,000 Homestead
50% of the loss
to the Local Optional
Percentage Homestead
451,268 0

T1 = School district taxable value for M & O purposes before the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption

T2 = School district taxable value for M & O purposes after the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption and the tax ceiling reduction

T3 = T1 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

T4 = T2 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

Value Taxable For I & S Purposes

T7 T8 T9 T10
194,747,401 194,296,133 194,747,401 194,296,133

T7 = School district taxable value for I & S purposes before the loss to the additional $10, 000 homestead exemption

T8 = School district taxable value for I & S purposes after the loss to the additional $10, 000 homestead exemption and the tax
ceiling reduction

T9 = T7 minus 50 % of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

T10 = T8 minus 50 % of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption


013-903-02/Pettus ISD

Category Local Tax Roll Value 2019 WTD Mean Ratio 2019 PTAD Value Estimate 2019 Value Assigned
A. SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES 27,933,898 0.9411 29,682,494 27,933,898
B. MULTIFAMILY RESIDENCES 357,630 N/A 357,630 357,630
C1. VACANT LOTS 1,348,150 N/A 1,348,150 1,348,150
C2. COLONIA LOTS 41,530 N/A 41,530 41,530
D1. QUALIFIED AG LAND 6,066,104 1.0938 5,545,828 6,066,104
D2. REAL PROP:FARM & RANCH 4,501,565 N/A 4,501,565 4,501,565
E. REAL PROP NONQUAL ACREAGE 41,914,146 1.0492 39,948,313 41,914,146
F1. COMMERCIAL REAL 3,088,787 N/A 3,088,787 3,088,787
F2. INDUSTRIAL REAL 438,839,530 N/A 438,839,530 438,839,530
G. OIL,GAS,MINERALS 25,899,750 0.9984 25,941,193 25,899,750
J. UTILITIES 87,486,860 0.9633 90,821,051 87,486,860
L1. COMMERCIAL PERSONAL 3,426,691 N/A 3,426,691 3,426,691
L2. INDUSTRIAL PERSONAL 36,605,030 N/A 36,605,030 36,605,030
M. MOBILE HOMES 2,347,148 N/A 2,347,148 2,347,148
Subtotal 679,856,819 682,494,940 679,856,819
Less Total Deductions 110,494,527 111,538,523 110,494,527
Total Taxable Value 569,362,292 570,956,417 569,362,292

The taxable values shown here will not match the values reported by your appraisal district

See the ISD DEDUCTION Report for a breakdown of deduction values

Government code subsections 403.302(J) AND(K) require the Comptroller to certify alternative measures of school district wealth.These measures are reported for taxable values for maintenance and operation(M & O) tax purposes and for interest and sinking fund(I & S) tax purposes.For districts that have not entered into value limitation agreements, T1 through T4 will be the same as T7 through T10.

Value Taxable For M & O Purposes

T1 T2 T3 T4
572,696,090 569,362,292 572,696,090 569,362,292

Loss To
the Additional
$10,000 Homestead
50 % of the loss
to the Local Optional
Percentage Homestead
3,333,798 0

T1 = School district taxable value for M & O purposes before the loss to the additional $10, 000 homestead exemption

T2 = School district taxable value for M & O purposes after the loss to the additional $10, 000 homestead exemption and the tax ceiling reduction

T3 = T1 minus 50 % of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

T4 = T2 minus 50 % of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

Value Taxable For I & S Purposes

T7 T8 T9 T10
646,633,990 643,300,192 646,633,990 643,300,192

T7 = School district taxable value for I & S purposes before the loss to the additional $10, 000 homestead exemption

T8 = School district taxable value for I & S purposes after the loss to the additional $10, 000 homestead exemption and the tax
ceiling reduction

T9 = T7 minus 50 % of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

T10 = T8 minus 50 % of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption