taxes Property Tax Assistance

2019 ISD Summary Worksheet


229-906/Chester ISD

Category Local Tax Roll Value 2019 WTD Mean Ratio 2019 PTAD Value Estimate 2019 Value Assigned
A. SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES 13,644,271 0.9712 14,048,879 13,644,271
C1. VACANT LOTS 1,353,666 N/A 1,353,666 1,353,666
D1. QUALIFIED AG LAND 7,472,881 0.9970 7,495,076 7,472,881
D2. REAL PROP:FARM & RANCH 1,255,472 N/A 1,255,472 1,255,472
E. REAL PROP NONQUAL ACREAGE 11,381,185 0.9478 12,008,003 11,381,185
F1. COMMERCIAL REAL 20,968 N/A 20,968 20,968
G. OIL,GAS,MINERALS 4,880 N/A 4,880 4,880
J. UTILITIES 1,767,582 N/A 1,767,582 1,767,582
L1. COMMERCIAL PERSONAL 3,976 N/A 3,976 3,976
M. MOBILE HOMES 1,884,960 N/A 1,884,960 1,884,960
Subtotal 38,789,841 0 39,843,462 38,789,841
Less Total Deductions 6,328,044 0 6,570,184 6,328,044
Total Taxable Value 32,461,797 0 33,273,278 32,461,797

The taxable values shown here will not match the values reported by your appraisal district

See the ISD DEDUCTION Report for a breakdown of deduction values

Government code subsections 403.302(J) AND(K) require the Comptroller to certify alternative measures of school district wealth.These measures are reported for taxable values for maintenance and operation(M & O) tax purposes and for interest and sinking fund(I & S) tax purposes.For districts that have not entered into value limitation agreements, T1 through T4 will be the same as T7 through T10.

Value Taxable For M & O Purposes

T1 T2 T3 T4
33,644,829 32,461,797 33,644,829 32,461,797

Loss To
the Additional
$10,000 Homestead
50% of the loss
to the Local Optional
Percentage Homestead
1,183,032 0

T1 = School district taxable value for M & O purposes before the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption

T2 = School district taxable value for M & O purposes after the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption and the tax ceiling reduction

T3 = T1 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

T4 = T2 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

Value Taxable For I & S Purposes

T7 T8 T9 T10
33,644,829 32,461,797 33,644,829 32,461,797

T7 = School district taxable value for I & S purposes before the loss to the additional $10, 000 homestead exemption

T8 = School district taxable value for I & S purposes after the loss to the additional $10, 000 homestead exemption and the tax
ceiling reduction

T9 = T7 minus 50 % of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

T10 = T8 minus 50 % of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption



229-906/Chester ISD

Category Local Tax Roll Value 2019 WTD Mean Ratio 2019 PTAD Value Estimate 2019 Value Assigned
A. SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES 18,331,624 0.9718 18,863,577 18,331,624
B. MULTIFAMILY RESIDENCES 57,785 N/A 57,785 57,785
C1. VACANT LOTS 701,317 N/A 701,317 701,317
D1. QUALIFIED AG LAND 13,723,485 1.0163 13,503,097 13,723,485
D2. REAL PROP:FARM & RANCH 119,763 N/A 119,763 119,763
E. REAL PROP NONQUAL ACREAGE 19,129,200 0.9476 20,186,999 19,129,200
F1. COMMERCIAL REAL 727,474 N/A 727,474 727,474
F2. INDUSTRIAL REAL 21,596 N/A 21,596 21,596
G. OIL,GAS,MINERALS 903,625 N/A 903,625 903,625
J. UTILITIES 4,631,452 0.8367 5,535,379 4,631,452
L1. COMMERCIAL PERSONAL 392,816 N/A 392,816 392,816
L2. INDUSTRIAL PERSONAL 860,299 N/A 860,299 860,299
M. MOBILE HOMES 650,600 N/A 650,600 650,600
Subtotal 60,251,036 0 62,524,327 60,251,036
Less Total Deductions 13,732,178 0 14,164,068 13,732,178
Total Taxable Value 46,518,858 0 48,360,259 46,518,858

The taxable values shown here will not match the values reported by your appraisal district

See the ISD DEDUCTION Report for a breakdown of deduction values

Government code subsections 403.302(J) AND(K) require the Comptroller to certify alternative measures of school district wealth.These measures are reported for taxable values for maintenance and operation(M & O) tax purposes and for interest and sinking fund(I & S) tax purposes.For districts that have not entered into value limitation agreements, T1 through T4 will be the same as T7 through T10.

Value Taxable For M & O Purposes

T1 T2 T3 T4
48,300,877 46,518,858 48,300,877 46,518,858

Loss To
the Additional
$10,000 Homestead
50% of the loss
to the Local Optional
Percentage Homestead
1,782,019 0

T1 = School district taxable value for M & O purposes before the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption

T2 = School district taxable value for M & O purposes after the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption and the tax ceiling reduction

T3 = T1 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

T4 = T2 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

Value Taxable For I & S Purposes

T7 T8 T9 T10
48,300,877 46,518,858 48,300,877 46,518,858

T7 = School district taxable value for I & S purposes before the loss to the additional $10, 000 homestead exemption

T8 = School district taxable value for I & S purposes after the loss to the additional $10, 000 homestead exemption and the tax
ceiling reduction

T9 = T7 minus 50 % of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

T10 = T8 minus 50 % of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption


229-906-02/Chester ISD

Category Local Tax Roll Value 2019 WTD Mean Ratio 2019 PTAD Value Estimate 2019 Value Assigned
A. SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES 31,975,895 0.9715 32,912,456 31,975,895
B. MULTIFAMILY RESIDENCES 57,785 N/A 57,785 57,785
C1. VACANT LOTS 2,054,983 N/A 2,054,983 2,054,983
D1. QUALIFIED AG LAND 21,196,366 1.0094 20,998,173 21,196,366
D2. REAL PROP:FARM & RANCH 1,375,235 N/A 1,375,235 1,375,235
E. REAL PROP NONQUAL ACREAGE 30,510,385 0.9477 32,195,002 30,510,385
F1. COMMERCIAL REAL 748,442 N/A 748,442 748,442
F2. INDUSTRIAL REAL 21,596 N/A 21,596 21,596
G. OIL,GAS,MINERALS 908,505 N/A 908,505 908,505
J. UTILITIES 6,399,034 0.8762 7,302,961 6,399,034
L1. COMMERCIAL PERSONAL 396,792 N/A 396,792 396,792
L2. INDUSTRIAL PERSONAL 860,299 N/A 860,299 860,299
M. MOBILE HOMES 2,535,560 N/A 2,535,560 2,535,560
Subtotal 99,040,877 102,367,789 99,040,877
Less Total Deductions 20,060,222 20,734,252 20,060,222
Total Taxable Value 78,980,655 81,633,537 78,980,655

The taxable values shown here will not match the values reported by your appraisal district

See the ISD DEDUCTION Report for a breakdown of deduction values

Government code subsections 403.302(J) AND(K) require the Comptroller to certify alternative measures of school district wealth.These measures are reported for taxable values for maintenance and operation(M & O) tax purposes and for interest and sinking fund(I & S) tax purposes.For districts that have not entered into value limitation agreements, T1 through T4 will be the same as T7 through T10.

Value Taxable For M & O Purposes

T1 T2 T3 T4
81,945,706 78,980,655 81,945,706 78,980,655

Loss To
the Additional
$10,000 Homestead
50 % of the loss
to the Local Optional
Percentage Homestead
2,965,051 0

T1 = School district taxable value for M & O purposes before the loss to the additional $10, 000 homestead exemption

T2 = School district taxable value for M & O purposes after the loss to the additional $10, 000 homestead exemption and the tax ceiling reduction

T3 = T1 minus 50 % of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

T4 = T2 minus 50 % of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

Value Taxable For I & S Purposes

T7 T8 T9 T10
81,945,706 78,980,655 81,945,706 78,980,655

T7 = School district taxable value for I & S purposes before the loss to the additional $10, 000 homestead exemption

T8 = School district taxable value for I & S purposes after the loss to the additional $10, 000 homestead exemption and the tax
ceiling reduction

T9 = T7 minus 50 % of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

T10 = T8 minus 50 % of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption