taxes Property Tax Assistance

2019 Field Studies Category Worksheet

245/Willacy County
245-903/Raymondville ISD

$17,299 - $34,375

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Colonia Hidalgo Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 19 Thru 20 10182 32,614 33,510 0.9733
Colonia Hidalgo Subd., BLOCK 10, LOT 20 THRU 21 10653 30,711 35,723 0.8597
Fairview Subd., BLOCK 7, LOT 23 Tract 2( (W 22') & 24 Thru 26 11016 32,369 34,566 0.9364
Santa Anna Subd., BLOCK 6, LOT 30 thru 31 11693 21,712 29,011 0.7484
Hardwick - Whitfield Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 16(W5.5') & 17 THRU 18 {TRACT 2} 11862 19,763 32,995 0.5990
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 5, LOT 1 THRU 3 12523 30,288 46,634 0.6495
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 15, LOT 9 thru 11 12932 32,340 42,051 0.7691
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 27, LOT 9 Thru 10 13401 34,195 42,793 0.7991
Shady Acres Subd., BLOCK 3, LOT 15 THRU 16 13820 28,285 35,032 0.8074
Santa Anna Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 35 thru 36 14553 23,959 26,204 0.9143
Delta Subd., LOT 29 THRU 30 15465 21,792 30,082 0.7244
MH Tuskegee Subd., LOT 25 & 26(N1/2), ACRES .2152 17054 28,656 46,773 0.6127
MH Fairview Subd., BLOCK 12, LOT 17 THRU 19, SN1 77HG1687; TITLE # DLS0066313 17436 19,213 18,056 1.0641
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 8, LOT 15 Thru 16 17561 23,841 32,194 0.7405
Holloway Subd., LOT 21 (W 50' OF E 75') 17698 21,383 30,500 0.7011
MH / L & T Phase #2 Subd, BLOCK 1, LOT 6, SN1 TXFLS84A11186GH12; TITLE # RAD0847379, ACRES .1912 421361 28,421 25,992 1.0935
STRATUM 2 TOTALS   429,542 542,116 0.7923

$34,376 - $49,855

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Fairview Subd., BLOCK 12, LOT 11 THRU 12 10362 46,961 52,988 0.8863
Bradley Court Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 9 THRU 10 (LESS 10' OF LOT 10) 11395 36,908 48,340 0.7635
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 3, LOT 17 THRU 19 13251 46,550 52,005 0.8951
Colonia Hidalgo Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 31 THRU 32 13743 40,058 41,169 0.9730
East Subd., BLOCK 5, LOT Tract 12 (100x 225 PT) 15213 39,358 36,142 1.0890
Rio Grande Subd, BLOCK 2, LOT 11 THRU 12 15664 49,811 54,044 0.9217
Holloway Subd., LOT 46 (E 1/2) 16028 39,115 48,853 0.8007
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 23, LOT 24 THRU 25 16045 49,095 47,491 1.0338
Santa Anna Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 5 thru 6 16581 36,707 35,994 1.0198
Raymondville Outlot H & G, BLOCK 1, LOT 5 (E1/2) 16963 48,122 52,306 0.9200
Fuentes, Jose Subd., LOT 4 17008 49,029 45,386 1.0803
Howard Outlot F Subd., BLOCK 5, LOT 8 THRU 9, {10TH ST} 17649 45,496 48,415 0.9397
las Palmas Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 5 THRU 8 18873 38,670 40,073 0.9650
Howard Outlot E Subd., BLOCK 4, LOT 14 THRU 17 29130 49,811 60,561 0.8225
STRATUM 3 TOTALS   615,691 663,767 0.9276

$49,856 - $75,328

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
SHADY ACRES SUBD, BLK 5 LTS 1-2 11124 56,649 53,000 1.0688
las Palmas Subd., BLOCK 3, LOT 28 THRU 30 12183 74,143 67,476 1.0988
Howard Outlot F Subd., BLOCK 2, LOT 30 THRU 32 12489 59,086 54,719 1.0798
TURNER JOE PLACE SUBD BLK 3 LOTS 34-37 (W 75') TR 2 13800 56,558 58,585 0.9654
Park Terrace Subd., BLOCK 2, LOT 1 THRU 3 13961 58,808 75,309 0.7809
Howard Outlot E Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 3 thru 4 14032 74,246 90,211 0.8230
Lee Heights Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 39 THRU 41 15502 51,318 71,218 0.7206
Holloway Subd., LOT 11 (W75') 16219 50,528 61,743 0.8184
Smith Subd, LOT 24 & 25 Tract 1 (W17') 16508 62,627 84,188 0.7439
East Subd., BLOCK 5, LOT TRACT 16 (75x140) 17853 62,184 65,779 0.9453
MH Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 68, LOT 17 thru 19, 20 (Pt) and 21 thru 22 (S pt), SN1 TXFL4AF1912 18399 57,781 61,839 0.9344
Lee Heights Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 3 (E 1/2) & 4 thru 6 Tr 23 18855 57,032 73,034 0.7809
Smith Subd, LOT 33 & 34 TR 1 (E16') 18863 74,124 93,831 0.7900
Colonia Hidalgo Subd., BLOCK 5, LOT 15 THRU 16 19080 54,053 64,742 0.8349
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 19, LOT 32 THRU 34 27445 61,898 55,709 1.1111
Beard #2 Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 2 & 9 28163 53,245 54,330 0.9800
Guerra Estates Subd., BLOCK 7, LOT 9 30003 49,961 49,024 1.0191
Arriaga Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 5 32006 59,936 60,626 0.9886
STRATUM 4 TOTALS   1,074,177 1,195,363 0.8986

$75,329 - $99,999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 46, LOT 5 Thru 8 10083 91,098 131,318 0.6937
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 60, LOT 1 Thru 6 10091 119,171 125,566 0.9491
Park Terrace Subd., BLOCK 3, LOT 28 Thru 30 10493 87,288 80,407 1.0856
R T & I Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 3R (PT OF SW PT {73'x125'}), ACRES .21 10690 87,280 142,000 0.6146
Harbour Heights Subd., LOT 3 12341 76,576 93,514 0.8189
R T & I Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 16C (SW1/2), ACRES 1.24 13445 92,858 115,394 0.8047
Lee Heights Subd., BLOCK 6, LOT 16 thru 19 14528 85,109 128,249 0.6636
las Palmas Subd., BLOCK 2, LOT 3 THRU 4 17552 76,391 67,584 1.1303
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 56, LOT 22 THRU 23 17564 93,765 132,404 0.7082
R T & I Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 6N (105'X180'), ACRES .433 18125 84,235 85,948 0.9801
Fairview Subd., BLOCK 10, LOT 15 THRU 18 18957 87,460 80,629 1.0847
el Chapote Subd., BLOCK 13, LOT B-2 (PT OF S PT), ACRES 1.0 24569 81,928 94,561 0.8664
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 59, LOT 3 Thru 5 24963 95,332 102,357 0.9314
Ranchette Estates #2 Subd, LOT 5, ACRES .5 33270 84,645 72,518 1.1672
Cisneros Estates Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 13 412619 80,425 89,787 0.8957
STRATUM 5 TOTALS   1,323,561 1,542,236 0.8582

Category A - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
1 U 0 548 0 0 5,445,649 1 5,445,649  
2 R 16 961 429,542 542,116 25,045,083 0.7923 31,610,606  
3 R 14 617 615,691 663,767 25,628,343 0.9276 27,628,658  
4 R 18 569 1,074,177 1,195,363 33,744,735 0.8986 37,552,565  
5 R 15 288 1,323,561 1,542,236 30,566,857 0.8582 35,617,405  
Total   63 2,983 3,442,971 3,943,482 120,430,667   137,854,883 0.8736

$1 - $99,999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Narcisso Tract #4 Subd., BLOCK 5, LOT 2A (E PT E 1/2), ACRES 17.5 12007 35,000 94,500 0.3704
Raymondville Tract #1 Subd., BLOCK 3, LOT 5B, ACRES 1.0 12609 105,710 101,309 1.0434
Raymondville Tract #1 Subd., BLOCK 3, LOT 7B TRACT 1, ACRES 1.0 12646 114,365 101,219 1.1299
el Chapote Subd., BLOCK 30 (N279.81'), ACRES 5.352 14653 21,408 40,140 0.5333
R T & I Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 15D (W1/2), ACRES 9.09 16640 90,900 59,085 1.5385
Raymondville Tract #1 Subd., BLOCK 3, LOT 5D, ACRES 3.65 18675 147,513 153,033 0.9639
Raymondville Tract #1 Subd., BLOCK 6, LOT 11A-1, ACRES .75 18794 82,502 131,164 0.6290
Raymondville Tract #1 Subd., BLOCK 10, LOT 2B TRACT 1, ACRES 1.0 19021 87,367 113,747 0.7681
Raymondville Tract #1 Subd., BLOCK 4, LOT 1B TR 1 & 8C TR 1 ? OUT OF 4.7AC(, ACRES 1.0 26725 12,308 8,700 1.4147
Harding Lindahl Subd., BLOCK 26, LOT 16A-1, ACRES 2.0 32562 24,000 16,800 1.4286
Raymondville Tract #1 Subd., BLOCK 6, LOT 11A-2, ACRES 2.44 34695 7,320 20,252 0.3614
Harding Lindahl Subd., BLOCK 30, LOT 14A 36220 42,322 47,306 0.8946
HARDING LINDAHL SUBD BLK 30 LOT 12A-1 (E 1/2) ACRES 19.01 36285 190,504 255,000 0.7471
Heidi Subd, BLOCK 1, LOT 1, ACRES 1.313 37275 74,282 103,069 0.7207
Raymondville Tract #1 Subd., BLOCK 6, LOT 16D-1, ACRES 1.0 37747 104,153 98,190 1.0607
Hayes Subd, LOT 9A (NE PT), ACRES .31 421119 3,140 2,728 1.1510
el Chapote Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT (N 15ac OF W 25ac OF BK 2), ACRES 1.0 429137 231,706 338,128 0.6853
Pafford Place Subd., LOT 4-1 thru 5-1, ACRES 2.0 430425 14,500 16,800 0.8631
el Chapote Subd., BLOCK 54, LOT 1 Thru 4, ACRES 4.43 51394 17,720 34,554 0.5128
FITCH SUBD LOT 6 & 6-A ACRES 100 51546 459,080 750,000 0.6121
Engleman #2 Subd., LOT 3(south west 520'x620'), ACRES 7.971 65077 15,942 54,203 0.2941
STRATUM 0 TOTALS   1,881,742 2,539,927 0.7409

Category E - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
0 R 21 334 1,881,742 2,539,927 23,563,167 0.7409 31,803,438  
Total   21 334 1,881,742 2,539,927 23,563,167   31,803,438 0.7409

$53,683 - $223,317

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 55, LOT 21 THRU 25 10784 108,939 156,895 0.6943
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 30, LOT 17 Thru 22 12373 212,688 209,758 1.0140
RAYMONDVILLE ORIG TOWN BLOCK 33 LOT 29 THRU 30 13444 81,712 75,000 1.0895
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 40, LOT 1 ? TR1(-3 N75', 4(PT) & 5-6, {prk lot,cr corpl} 13895 81,993 105,923 0.7741
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 37, LOT 15 THRU 16 15724 73,456 63,690 1.1533
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 65, LOT 23 THRU 25 the E PART, ACRES .49 17398 60,453 109,632 0.5514
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 33, LOT 34 Thru 35 19589 139,168 197,581 0.7044
G C I C, BLOCK 47, LOT 13E Tract 3, ACRES .2849 24207 171,125 170,411 1.0042
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 38, LOT 9 THRU 10 28846 71,192 69,987 1.0172
Raymondville Parklot I, LOT TRACT 5 (S 100') 29491 202,639 203,565 0.9955
STRATUM 2 TOTALS   1,203,365 1,362,442 0.8832

$223,318 - $548,580

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Musgrave Subd., BLOCK A, LOT 5A (E10') & 6 14100 269,075 208,920 1.2879
Dollar Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 1, ACRES 1.0036 15284 410,695 390,666 1.0513
G C I C, BLOCK 46, LOT 9M 16718 228,114 216,110 1.0555
Shaver Subd, LOT 1 THRU 2 18195 228,443 227,580 1.0038
Raymond Hallam Subd., BLOCK 2, LOT 4B (SW PT), ACRES 5.0 28732 451,955 495,000 0.9130
G C I C, BLOCK 46, LOT 10E-1, ACRES 1.123 35939 265,055 304,298 0.8710
Heritage Plaza Phase I Subd, BLOCK 1, LOT 1 thru 5 & Lot A ''Common'' 54660 415,922 773,752 0.5375
STRATUM 3 TOTALS   2,269,259 2,616,326 0.8673

$548,581 - $1,068,631

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
R T & I Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 12E (SE TRACT), ACRES 2.64 13954 1,009,119 875,212 1.1530
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 39, LOT 1 THRU 18 14784 906,777 831,436 1.0906
CVS Raymondville, BLOCK 1, LOT 1 16122 1,021,480 1,678,935 0.6084
R T & I Subd., BLOCK 1, LOT 13D, ACRES 2.609 32548 671,132 882,012 0.7609
Salinas - Perez Subd, BLOCK 1, LOT 1, & BPP #51996 Texas Inn, ACRES 1.2589 36316 650,000 859,648 0.7561
Herigate Plaza Phase II Subd, BLOCK 1, LOT 1, ACRES 1.5783 64796 816,705 564,132 1.4477
STRATUM 4 TOTALS   5,075,213 5,691,375 0.8917

$1,068,632 - $15,070,414

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Raymondville Orign Town, BLOCK 41, LOT 9 (less 6'')Thru 30 & Closed Alley 10860 1,422,496 1,500,938 0.9477
VTX1 Business Complex Subd, BLOCK 1, LOT 1, ACRES 8.6751 17242 2,126,548 1,371,601 1.5504
Las Majadas #1 Subd, LOT 1A, ACRES 7.07 19663 1,528,282 1,210,462 1.2626
G C I C, BLOCK 47, LOT 13E Tract 4, ACRES 4.7589 24205 1,560,000 3,299,067 0.4729
Salinas - Perez Subd, BLOCK 1, LOT 2 Thru 5, & BPP #55980 La Quinta Inn & Suites, ACRES 2.0806 54418 1,525,000 1,344,340 1.1344
STRATUM 5 TOTALS   8,162,326 8,726,408 0.9354

$15,070,415 - $99,999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
E B Raymond Subd., LOT 11(pt) & 14(pt) (PT), ACRES 55.17 56098 37,941,704 37,835,111 1.0028
STRATUM 6 TOTALS   37,941,704 37,835,111 1.0028

Category F1 - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
1 U 0 132 0 0 3,703,553 1 3,703,553  
2 R 10 108 1,203,365 1,362,442 11,021,360 0.8832 12,478,895  
3 R 7 27 2,269,259 2,616,326 9,911,080 0.8673 11,427,511  
4 R 6 14 5,075,213 5,691,375 11,614,376 0.8917 13,024,981  
5 R 5 7 8,162,326 8,726,408 11,040,300 0.9354 11,802,758  
6 E 1 1 37,941,704 37,835,111 37,941,704 1.0028 37,835,111  
Total   29 289 54,651,867 56,231,662 85,232,373   90,272,809 0.9442

$30,025 - $210,649

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Dairy Queen #130 (PP) Furniture, Fixtures, Inventory & Equipment 30728 61,682 66,475 0.9279
McDonald's Fast Food Restaurant (PP) Furniture, Fixtures, Inventory & Equipment 39855 156,730 165,783 0.9454
Wells Fargo Bank (PP) Furniture, Fixtures, Inventory, Equipment 39899 178,301 152,869 1.1664
Church's Fried Chicken Store #1296 (PP) Furniture, Fixtues, Inventory & Equipment 39915 144,346 142,655 1.0119
Murphy Oil USA (PP) Furniture, Fixtures, Inventory & Equipment 51804 192,447 133,073 1.4462
FAMSA (PP) Furniture, Fixtures, Inventory & Equipment 56142 103,904 84,042 1.2363
Watermill Vending Machine (BPP) equipment {W Hidalgo} 56466 53,204 39,551 1.3452
Gavilon Grain LLC {BPP} inventory 64303 122,162 130,443 0.9365
Lease Plan USA Inc (BPP) Vehicles 66081 42,127 43,134 0.9767
STRATUM 2 TOTALS   1,054,903 958,025 1.1011

$210,650 - $875,416

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Alamo Lumber Co. (PP) Furniture, Fixtures, Inventory, Equipment & Vehicles 32869 694,295 721,057 0.9629
Rac Rent-A-Center (PP), Furniture, Fixtures, Inventory, & Equipment 429100 213,116 405,182 0.5260
Allied Waste Industries #863 (PP) equipment, furniture, fixtures & iventory 429425 226,731 164,397 1.3792
Churchill Dialysis (BPP) Furniture, Fixtures, Inventory & Equipment 62503 317,765 227,330 1.3978
Dollar Tree Stores Inc (BPP) Furniture, Fixtures, Equipment & Inventory 68483 257,330 250,567 1.0270
CVS Pharmacy, Inc (PP) Furinture, Fixtures, Equipment, Inventory 68563 839,603 946,112 0.8874
STRATUM 3 TOTALS   2,548,840 2,714,645 0.9389

$875,417 - $1,859,800

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Willacy Co-op Gin & Store (PP) Cotton Gin, Grain Elev, Farm Store & Vehicles 32455 1,809,882 1,669,316 1.0842
HEB Food Store #4299-01 (BPP) Furniture, Fixtures, Inventory & Equipment 33627 1,003,653 1,171,119 0.8570
Wylie Implement Pioneer Eqpt {50036} (PP) Furniture, Fixtures, Inventory, Equipment & Vehicles 65858 1,007,957 1,028,114 0.9804
STRATUM 4 TOTALS   3,821,492 3,868,549 0.9878

$1,859,801 - $99,999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Agco Financial (PP) Equipment 70267 2,308,233 1,314,905 1.7554
EC&R Bruenning Breeze Wind Farm (BPP) Bruenning Breeze Wind Farm {SRA} 70289 16,751,970 16,751,970 1
STRATUM 5 TOTALS   19,060,203 18,066,875 1.0550

Category L1 - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
1 U 0 264 0 0 2,496,954 1 2,496,954  
2 R 9 77 1,054,903 958,025 6,370,024 1.1011 5,785,146  
3 R 6 19 2,548,840 2,714,645 7,025,024 0.9389 7,482,186  
4 R 3 4 3,821,492 3,868,549 4,788,289 0.9878 4,847,428  
5 R 2 2 19,060,203 18,066,875 19,060,203 1.0550 18,066,875  
Total   20 366 26,485,438 25,608,094 39,740,494   38,678,589 1.0275