taxes Property Tax Assistance

2021 Index Calculation Report

Gillespie County


ISD ISD Name PTAD $/ Acre - CAD Reported Values No. Acres Reported Value Reported Value $/ Acre Index Factor PTAD $/ Acre - ISD
086-024 Doss CCSD 0 0 0.00 0.0000 0.00
086-901 Fredericksburg ISD 431 82,510 191.44 0.9999 0.00
086-902 Harper ISD 25 4,790 191.60 1.0008 0.00
CAD Totals:   0.00 456 87,300 191.45    


ISD ISD Name PTAD $/ Acre - CAD Reported Values No. Acres Reported Value Reported Value $/ Acre Index Factor PTAD $/ Acre - ISD
086-024 Doss CCSD 2,531 281,360 111.17 0.8857 68.82
086-901 Fredericksburg ISD 27,361 3,498,771 127.87 1.0187 79.15
086-902 Harper ISD 3,091 359,830 116.41 0.9274 72.06
CAD Totals:   77.70 32,983 4,139,961 125.52    


ISD ISD Name PTAD $/ Acre - CAD Reported Values No. Acres Reported Value Reported Value $/ Acre Index Factor PTAD $/ Acre - ISD
086-024 Doss CCSD 2,467 288,390 116.90 0.9787 37.39
086-901 Fredericksburg ISD 37,559 4,490,411 119.56 1.0010 38.24
086-902 Harper ISD 3,007 361,180 120.11 1.0056 38.41
CAD Totals:   38.20 43,033 5,139,981 119.44    


ISD ISD Name PTAD $/ Acre - CAD Reported Values No. Acres Reported Value Reported Value $/ Acre Index Factor PTAD $/ Acre - ISD
086-024 Doss CCSD 65,532 6,162,270 94.03 0.9906 111.24
086-901 Fredericksburg ISD 372,249 35,444,222 95.22 1.0032 112.66
086-902 Harper ISD 120,022 11,341,468 94.49 0.9955 111.79
CAD Totals:   112.30 557,803 52,947,960 94.92    

School district acreages and productivity value totals include land reclassified to wildlife management and transition to timber. Index calculations are based on reported ISD value per acre divided by CAD average value per acre.