taxes Property Tax Assistance

2021 Index Calculation Report

Webb County


ISD ISD Name PTAD $/ Acre - CAD Reported Values No. Acres Reported Value Reported Value $/ Acre Index Factor PTAD $/ Acre - ISD
240-901 Laredo ISD 0 0 0.00 0.0000 0.00
240-903 United ISD 6,028 1,978,335 328.19 1.0000 224.20
240-904 Webb CISD 0 0 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CAD Totals:   224.20 6,028 1,978,335 328.19    


ISD ISD Name PTAD $/ Acre - CAD Reported Values No. Acres Reported Value Reported Value $/ Acre Index Factor PTAD $/ Acre - ISD
240-901 Laredo ISD 0 0 0.00 0.0000 0.00
240-903 United ISD 0 0 0.00 0.0000 0.00
240-904 Webb CISD 0 0 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CAD Totals:   0.00 0 0 0    


ISD ISD Name PTAD $/ Acre - CAD Reported Values No. Acres Reported Value Reported Value $/ Acre Index Factor PTAD $/ Acre - ISD
240-901 Laredo ISD 10 497 49.70 1.1018 60.38
240-903 United ISD 696,230 31,365,183 45.05 0.9987 54.73
240-904 Webb CISD 335,107 15,161,472 45.24 1.0029 54.96
CAD Totals:   54.80 1,031,347 46,527,152 45.11    


ISD ISD Name PTAD $/ Acre - CAD Reported Values No. Acres Reported Value Reported Value $/ Acre Index Factor PTAD $/ Acre - ISD
240-901 Laredo ISD 0 0 0.00 0.0000 0.00
240-903 United ISD 940,207 41,863,207 44.53 1.0157 57.29
240-904 Webb CISD 271,563 11,264,191 41.48 0.9462 53.37
CAD Totals:   56.40 1,211,770 53,127,398 43.84    

School district acreages and productivity value totals include land reclassified to wildlife management and transition to timber. Index calculations are based on reported ISD value per acre divided by CAD average value per acre.