taxes Property Tax Assistance

2024 Index Calculation Report

Marion County


ISD ISD Name PTAD $/ Acre - CAD Reported Values No. Acres Reported Value Reported Value $/ Acre Index Factor PTAD $/ Acre - ISD
034-902 Avinger ISD 527 58,240 110.51 0.9997 100.06
155-901 Jefferson ISD 28,064 3,102,235 110.54 1.0000 100.09
230-903 Ore City ISD 396 43,790 110.58 1.0004 100.13
CAD Totals:   100.09 28,987 3,204,265 110.54    


ISD ISD Name PTAD $/ Acre - CAD Reported Values No. Acres Reported Value Reported Value $/ Acre Index Factor PTAD $/ Acre - ISD
034-902 Avinger ISD 8 710 88.75 0.9423 17.69
155-901 Jefferson ISD 2,273 214,296 94.28 1.0011 18.79
230-903 Ore City ISD 24 2,080 86.67 0.9203 17.27
CAD Totals:   18.77 2,305 217,086 94.18    

School district acreages and productivity value totals include land reclassified to wildlife management and transition to timber. Index calculations are based on reported ISD value per acre divided by CAD average value per acre.