taxes Property Tax Assistance

2024 Index Calculation Report

Parmer County


ISD ISD Name PTAD $/ Acre - CAD Reported Values No. Acres Reported Value Reported Value $/ Acre Index Factor PTAD $/ Acre - ISD
059-901 Hereford ISD 1,300 328,964 253.05 0.6444 260.07
185-901 Bovina ISD 28,425 11,078,221 389.74 0.9925 400.55
185-902 Farwell ISD 37,393 14,651,825 391.83 0.9979 402.73
185-903 Friona ISD 50,878 20,191,223 396.86 1.0107 407.90
185-904 Lazbuddie ISD 51,174 20,178,494 394.31 1.0042 405.28
CAD Totals:   403.58 169,170 66,428,727 392.67    


ISD ISD Name PTAD $/ Acre - CAD Reported Values No. Acres Reported Value Reported Value $/ Acre Index Factor PTAD $/ Acre - ISD
059-901 Hereford ISD 7,160 955,742 133.48 0.6167 133.11
185-901 Bovina ISD 76,277 16,642,943 218.19 1.0081 217.60
185-902 Farwell ISD 43,409 9,451,440 217.73 1.0060 217.15
185-903 Friona ISD 130,303 28,567,078 219.24 1.0129 218.63
185-904 Lazbuddie ISD 51,127 11,106,847 217.24 1.0037 216.65
CAD Totals:   215.85 308,276 66,724,050 216.44    


ISD ISD Name PTAD $/ Acre - CAD Reported Values No. Acres Reported Value Reported Value $/ Acre Index Factor PTAD $/ Acre - ISD
059-901 Hereford ISD 125 4,575 36.60 1.0000 51.42
185-901 Bovina ISD 2,848 104,245 36.60 1.0000 51.42
185-903 Friona ISD 3,749 137,216 36.60 1.0000 51.42
185-904 Lazbuddie ISD 790 28,924 36.61 1.0003 51.44
CAD Totals:   51.42 7,512 274,960 36.60    


ISD ISD Name PTAD $/ Acre - CAD Reported Values No. Acres Reported Value Reported Value $/ Acre Index Factor PTAD $/ Acre - ISD
059-901 Hereford ISD 1,351 27,695 20.50 0.5770 13.93
185-901 Bovina ISD 25,617 989,071 38.61 1.0867 26.24
185-902 Farwell ISD 3,999 138,255 34.57 0.9730 23.50
185-903 Friona ISD 20,534 736,496 35.87 1.0096 24.38
185-904 Lazbuddie ISD 14,085 438,517 31.13 0.8762 21.16
CAD Totals:   24.15 65,586 2,330,034 35.53    

School district acreages and productivity value totals include land reclassified to wildlife management and transition to timber. Index calculations are based on reported ISD value per acre divided by CAD average value per acre.