taxes Property Tax Assistance

2024 Index Calculation Report

Terry County


ISD ISD Name PTAD $/ Acre - CAD Reported Values No. Acres Reported Value Reported Value $/ Acre Index Factor PTAD $/ Acre - ISD
058-902 Dawson ISD 8,115 1,103,622 136.00 0.7428 28.10
083-901 Seagraves ISD 8,132 996,491 122.54 0.6693 25.32
083-902 Loop ISD 862 106,538 123.59 0.6751 25.54
110-905 Ropes ISD 2,187 288,302 131.83 0.7201 27.24
153-903 O'Donnell ISD 121 15,096 124.76 0.6815 25.78
153-904 Tahoka ISD 240 26,798 111.66 0.6099 23.07
223-901 Brownfield ISD 56,269 13,316,292 236.65 1.2926 48.90
223-902 Meadow ISD 23,769 3,844,318 161.74 0.8834 33.42
223-904 Wellman-Union CISD 56,896 8,970,580 157.67 0.8612 32.58
CAD Totals:   37.83 156,591 28,668,037 183.08    


ISD ISD Name PTAD $/ Acre - CAD Reported Values No. Acres Reported Value Reported Value $/ Acre Index Factor PTAD $/ Acre - ISD
058-902 Dawson ISD 10,146 212,011 20.90 0.9406 55.55
083-901 Seagraves ISD 18,878 402,083 21.30 0.9586 56.61
083-902 Loop ISD 1,706 37,084 21.74 0.9784 57.78
110-905 Ropes ISD 4,718 104,475 22.14 0.9964 58.85
153-903 O'Donnell ISD 2,716 58,840 21.66 0.9748 57.57
153-904 Tahoka ISD 3,905 87,172 22.32 1.0045 59.33
223-901 Brownfield ISD 120,432 2,700,261 22.42 1.0090 59.59
223-902 Meadow ISD 57,173 1,308,987 22.90 1.0306 60.87
223-904 Wellman-Union CISD 93,291 2,042,857 21.90 0.9856 58.21
CAD Totals:   59.06 312,965 6,953,770 22.22    


ISD ISD Name PTAD $/ Acre - CAD Reported Values No. Acres Reported Value Reported Value $/ Acre Index Factor PTAD $/ Acre - ISD
223-901 Brownfield ISD 8 2,640 330.00 1.0000 330.00
CAD Totals:   0.00 8 2,640 330    


ISD ISD Name PTAD $/ Acre - CAD Reported Values No. Acres Reported Value Reported Value $/ Acre Index Factor PTAD $/ Acre - ISD
058-902 Dawson ISD 397 3,146 7.92 0.6041 6.21
083-901 Seagraves ISD 3,125 34,563 11.06 0.8436 8.67
083-902 Loop ISD 5 59 11.80 0.9001 9.25
110-905 Ropes ISD 112 1,366 12.20 0.9306 9.57
153-903 O'Donnell ISD 1,063 9,620 9.05 0.6903 7.10
153-904 Tahoka ISD 1,252 11,436 9.13 0.6964 7.16
223-901 Brownfield ISD 40,051 538,721 13.45 1.0259 10.55
223-902 Meadow ISD 16,540 242,540 14.66 1.1182 11.50
223-904 Wellman-Union CISD 10,258 112,634 10.98 0.8375 8.61
CAD Totals:   10.28 72,803 954,085 13.11    

School district acreages and productivity value totals include land reclassified to wildlife management and transition to timber. Index calculations are based on reported ISD value per acre divided by CAD average value per acre.