taxes Property Tax Assistance

2023 Appraisal District Ratio Study

Appraisal District Summary Worksheet


Study Results Last Updated: Feb. 05, 2024

Category Number of Ratios ** 2023 CAD Reported Appraisal Value Median Level of Appraisal Coefficient of Dispersion % Ratios within (+/ -) 10 % of Median % Ratios within (+/ -) 25 % of Median Price - Related Differential
A.SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES 206 894,209,232 0.80 27.77 20.39 55.83 1.05
B.MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCES 0 12,897,980 * * * * *
C1.VACANT LOTS 0 27,597,253 * * * * *
C2.COLONIA LOTS 0 0 * * * * *
D2.FARM/RANCH IMP 0 28,471,655 * * * * *
E.RURAL-NON-QUAL 111 571,167,931 0.88 60.83 21.62 41.44 1.33
F1.COMMERCIAL REAL 29 139,934,690 * * * * *
F2.INDUSTRIAL REAL 0 885,704,100 * * * * *
G.OIL, GAS, MINERALS 35 119,692,370 * * * * *
J.UTILITIES 6 384,052,241 0.83 1.20 100.00 100.00 0.91
L1.COMMERCIAL PERSONAL 26 47,086,987 * * * * *
L2.INDUSTRIAL PERSONAL 0 159,255,890 * * * * *
M.OTHER PERSONAL 0 20,977,250 * * * * *
O.RESIDENTIAL INVENTORY 0 277,490 * * * * *
S.SPECIAL INVENTORY 0 4,443,320 * * * * *
OVERALL 413 3,295,768,389 0.88 33.03 23.49 57.38 1.09

* Category result not calculated. Calculation requires a minimum of five ratios from either of the following:

  • Categories representing at least 25 percent of total CAD category value.
  • Five ISDs or half the ISDs in the CAD, whichever is less
* *Statistical measures may not be reliable when the sample is small