taxes Property Tax Assistance

2016 CAD Productivity Values Report


Productivity Comparison

Land Class No. Acres Reported Values $/Acre Reported Value
PTAD Values $/Acre PTAD Value
Irrigated Crop 348 217.12 75,559 217.12 75,559
Dry Crop 76,135 164.32 12,510,727 166.30 12,662,832
Barren 1,436 30.08 43,200 30.08 43,200
Orchard 426 195.23 83,166 195.23 83,166
Improved Pasture 71,929 120.99 8,702,790 78.60 5,654,009
Native Pasture 270,142 74.29 20,067,878 46.10 12,450,472
Quarantined land 0 0 0
Wildlife Management 23,881 1,729,325 1,360,880
Timber at Productivity 0 0 0
Timber at 1978 Market 0 0 0
Transition to Timber 0 0 0
Timber at Restricted 0 0 0
Other 55,466 47.12 2,613,737 47.12 2,613,737
Category Totals: 499,763   $ 45,826,382   $ 34,943,855

Ratio: 1.3114

Wildlife Management

Previous Land Class No. Acres PTAD Values
PTAD Values
Irrigated Crop 1 0
Dry Crop 421 163.02 68,632
Barren 62 30.37 1,883
Orchard 5 200.20 1,001
Improved Pasture 1,652 78.18 129,153
Native Pasture 11,821 46.30 547,277
Quarantined Land 0 0
Other 9,919 47.13 467,463
Totals: 23,881   $ 1,360,880

Transition to Timber

Previous Land Class No. Acres PTAD Values
PTAD Values
Irrigated Crop 0 0
Dry Crop 0 0
Barren 0 0
Orchard 0 0
Improved Pasture 0 0
Native Pasture 0 0
Quarantined Land 0 0
Wildlife 0 0
Other 0 0
Totals: 0   $ 0