taxes Property Tax Assistance

2016 Field Studies Category Worksheet

177-901/Roscoe Collegiate ISD

Category A - Stratum 2
$ 21,751 - $ 61,670

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
MH HT & B RR Co, Surv,1 A 23420 23,640 18,388 1.2856
Carlile Blk 38 Lot 7-8 23500 41,210 46,190 0.8922
Reece Replat Blk 3 lot 1 23933 45,910 55,296 0.8303
Reece replat Blk 3 Lot 5 23936 44,120 53,201 0.8293
Reece Replat Blk 4 Lot pt 23947 53,210 54,107 0.9834
Southern Blk 1 Lot Pt 2 N 23955 36,050 42,998 0.8384
SOUTHERN BLK 6 LOT 1 1 B 23983 34,990 35,550 0.9842
Southern Blk 21 Lot N70 o 24060 26,260 40,920 0.6417
SOUTHERN BLK 54 LOT PT 1 24170 48,100 47,262 1.0177
Southern Blk 72 Lot Pt 2 24231 56,090 60,325 0.9298
Chrysler Acres Blk 1 Lot 25269 49,180 46,000 1.0691
Stratum 2 Totals   458,760 500,237 0.9171

Category A - Stratum 3
$ 61,671 - $ 87,390

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
T&P Blk 23 Sec 045 Abst 0 18849 70,020 61,583 1.1370
S 100 of 4 Blk 9 Lot 5-6 23689 84,650 89,600 0.9448
OT Blk 12 Lot Pt N 25 of 23712 83,380 72,583 1.1488
Orig. Town Blk 31 Lot 1-2 23829 79,920 65,513 1.2199
Reece Replat Blk 1 Lot pt 23919 78,570 74,105 1.0603
Southwestern Blk 54 Lot S 24168 80,740 70,028 1.1530
Southern Blk 54 Lot N 75 24169 85,070 93,958 0.9054
Southern Blk 57 Lot 1 24187 79,720 76,619 1.0405
SOUTHERN BLK 57 LOT S100 24190 67,440 73,641 0.9158
Stratum 3 Totals   709,510 677,630 1.0470

Category A - Stratum 4
$ 87,391 - $ 140,590

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Eastern Blk 33 Original 23578 92,800 89,219 1.0401
Orig. Town Blk 36 Lot Pt 23867 106,960 104,254 1.0260
OT Blk 40 Lot 1-3 23890 87,600 73,181 1.1970
Reece Replat Blk 1 Lot Pt 23915 96,400 99,524 0.9686
Southern Blk 8 Lot W/2 of 23995 92,800 78,370 1.1841
Southern Blk 20 Lot 4 24052 117,670 141,192 0.8334
Southern Blk 55 lot S2 of 24176 102,120 100,156 1.0196
Southern Blk 59 Lot Pt Bl 24205 99,470 107,366 0.9265
Southern Blk 77 Lot E 75 24241 87,630 84,195 1.0408
COUNTY ESTATE BLK 1 lOT 6 24254 139,350 187,000 0.7452
COUNTY ESTATES BLK 2 LOT 24292 135,340 159,000 0.8512
CARLILE BLK 15 LOT 7-12 40575 121,780 136,000 0.8954
Stratum 4 Totals   1,279,920 1,359,457 0.9415

Category A - Stratum 5
$ 140,591 - $999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Southern Blk 39 Lot S 113 24109 143,020 191,019 0.7487
Country Estates Blk 1 Lot 24251 189,050 175,640 1.0763
Country Estates Blk 1 lot 24261 156,840 154,138 1.0175
County Estates Blk 1 Lot 24268 302,960 285,211 1.0622
Country Estates Blk 2 Lot 24283 160,040 135,530 1.1808
Country Estates Blk 2 Lot 24290 216,080 206,317 1.0473
County Estate Blk 2 Lot 1 24291 182,910 157,594 1.1606
County Estates Blk 3 Lot 24303 220,540 219,580 1.0044
County Estates Blk 3 Lot 24307 182,170 198,127 0.9195
Stratum 5 Totals   1,753,610 1,723,156 1.0177

Category A - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
1 U 0 129 0 0 1,406,300 1,406,300  
2 R 11 242 458,760 500,237 8,950,180 0.9171 9,759,219  
3 R 9 82 709,510 677,630 6,355,430 1.0470 6,070,134  
4 R 12 104 1,279,920 1,359,457 11,096,870 0.9415 11,786,373  
5 R 9 48 1,753,610 1,723,156 9,802,990 1.0177 9,632,495  
Total   41 605 4,201,800 4,260,480 37,611,770   38,654,521 0.9730

Category E - Stratum 0
$ 1 - $999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
T&P Blk 24 Sec 047 Abst 0 17608 150,290 176,666 0.8507
T&P Blk 23 sec 037 SW/4 A 18626 46,060 52,442 0.8783
T&P Blk 23 sec 047 Abst/ 18629 72,870 61,015 1.1943
T&P Blk 23 Sec 047 TR 1 & 18630 170,180 154,358 1.1025
T&P Blk 23 Sec 059 18655 125,120 137,060 0.9129
T&P Blk 23 sec 031 Abst 0 18816 78,800 65,197 1.2086
T&P Blk 23 Sec 045 Abst 0 18852 46,320 66,252 0.6991
T&P Blk 24 Sec 048 Abst 0 19378 153,460 171,737 0.8936
T&P Blk 24 Sec 046 SE/4 A 19380 209,410 200,558 1.0441
T&P Blk 23 Sec 036 Abst 1 20142 118,700 117,965 1.0062
T&P Blk 24 Sec 012 Abst 1 20180 66,670 65,139 1.0235
MH T&P Blk 23 Sec 024 SW 21490 73,590 100,921 0.7292
Stratum 0 Totals   1,311,470 1,369,310 0.9578

Category E - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
0 R 12 234 1,311,470 1,369,310 12,770,830 0.9578 13,333,504  
Total   12 234 1,311,470 1,369,310 12,770,830   13,333,504 0.9578

Category F1 - Stratum 2
$ 18,561 - $ 80,450

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
T&P BLK 22 SEC 043 ABST 0 17835 27,070 21,649 1.2504
T&P BLK 23 SEC 051 ABST 0 18867 55,240 80,717 0.6844
T&P BLK 23 SEC 048 ABST 0 19391 65,050 49,119 1.3243
T&P BLK 23 SEC 052 ABST 0 19748 18,590 26,975 0.6892
T&P BLK 22 SEC 044 ABST 1 20729 27,860 28,990 0.9610
CARLILE BLK 16 LOT 7-12 23467 59,340 39,736 1.4934
EASTERN BLK 5 LOT PT 8-12 23547 54,650 53,126 1.0287
ORIGINAL TOWN BLK 15 LOT 23726 19,470 18,694 1.0415
ORIGINAL TOWN BLK 17 LOT 23742 67,811 115,676 0.5862
Stratum 2 Totals   395,081 434,682 0.9089

Category F1 - Stratum 3
$ 80,451 - $ 264,790

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
T&P BLK 22 SEC 043 ABST 0 17853 96,860 90,836 1.0663
T&P BLK 23 SEC 046 ABST 0 19270 87,950 123,577 0.7117
T&P BLK 23 SEC 046 ABST 0 19295 81,910 96,800 0.8462
T&P BLK 22 SEC 044 S/RR A 20714 84,120 46,383 1.8136
EASTERN BLK 12 LOT 7-8 23582 128,510 104,959 1.2244
REECE REPLAT BLK A3 LOT P 23908 84,570 93,947 0.9002
Stratum 3 Totals   563,920 556,502 1.0133

Category F1 - Stratum 4
$ 264,791 - $ 311,550

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Imported Legal 18882 278,290 249,720 1.1144
T&P BLK 22 SEC 044 ABST 1 20718 296,530 284,514 1.0422
CARLILE BLK 44 LOT 1-4 & 23509 311,550 352,561 0.8837
Stratum 4 Totals   886,370 886,795 0.9995

Category F1 - Stratum 5
$ 311,551 - $ 1,564,075

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
T&P BLK 22 SEC 043 ABST 0 17857 1,060,020 1,185,861 0.8939
T&P BLK 23 SEC 039/PT ABS 43871 313,400 172,326 1.8186
Stratum 5 Totals   1,373,420 1,358,187 1.0112

Category F1 - Stratum 6
$ 1,564,076 - $999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
T&P BLK 22 SEC 044 ABST 1 43886 1,840,010 1,156,000 1.5917
Stratum 6 Totals   1,840,010 1,156,000 1.5917

Category F1 - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
1 U 0 46 0 0 392,830 392,830  
2 R 9 36 395,081 434,682 1,585,500 0.9089 1,744,416  
3 R 6 12 563,920 556,502 1,588,030 1.0133 1,567,186  
4 R 3 4 886,370 886,795 1,169,680 0.9995 1,170,265  
5 C 2 2 1,373,420 1,358,187 1,373,420 1.0112 1,358,187  
6 C 1 1 1,840,010 1,156,000 1,840,010 1.5917 1,156,000  
Total   21 101 5,058,801 4,392,166 7,949,470   7,388,884 1.0759

Category L1 - Stratum 2
$ 55,511 - $ 145,330

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
BPP MURRY W OLESON 22363 80,940 79,242 1.0214
BPP ROSCOE STATE BANK THE 22702 138,066 115,190 1.1986
BPP TURLEY ENTERPRISES IN 39295 96,000 99,530 0.9645
ROCKIN S CANTINA INC STE 43991 117,980 141,525 0.8336
BPP VICKIES GIFTS 60051 130,940 128,032 1.0227
Stratum 2 Totals   563,926 563,519 1.0007

Category L1 - Stratum 3
$ 145,331 - $ 270,480

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
BPP CENTRAL FASTERNERS 21980 223,144 219,559 1.0163
BPP HAGERMAN AUTO PARTS 39382 205,170 209,000 0.9817
BPP WHEELS LT 43082 215,790 208,643 1.0343
BPP GELCO CORP 43617 166,660 161,120 1.0344
BPP GARRETT TRUCKING 60364 177,530 177,776 0.9986
Stratum 3 Totals   988,294 976,098 1.0125

Category L1 - Stratum 4
$ 270,481 - $ 510,610

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
BPP DL PETERSON TRUST 23160 301,270 292,328 1.0306
BPP ABILENE HIGH LIFT AER 43838 445,010 462,717 0.9617
Stratum 4 Totals   746,280 755,045 0.9884

Category L1 - Stratum 5
$ 510,611 - $ 3,276,251

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
BPP ENTERPRISE FM TRUST 43733 676,750 770,028 0.8789
Stratum 5 Totals   676,750 770,028 0.8789

Category L1 - Stratum 6
$ 3,276,252 - $999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
BPP SSC PARTNERS 21976 5,891,332 5,883,664 1.0013
BPP RANDALL D SMITH 34693 3,686,832 3,675,000 1.0032
Stratum 6 Totals   9,578,164 9,558,664 1.0020

Category L1 - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
1 U 0 79 0 0 891,520 891,520  
2 R 5 11 563,926 563,519 1,170,940 1.0007 1,170,121  
3 R 5 6 988,294 976,098 1,136,780 1.0125 1,122,746  
4 R 2 2 746,280 755,045 746,280 0.9884 755,038  
5 C 1 1 676,750 770,028 676,750 0.8789 770,028  
6 C 2 2 9,578,164 9,558,664 9,578,164 1.0020 9,558,664  
Total   15 101 12,553,414 12,623,354 14,200,434   14,268,117 0.9953