taxes Property Tax Assistance

2016 Field Studies Category Worksheet

033-904/White Deer ISD

Category A - Stratum 2
$ 15,571 - $ 46,560

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Lts 21 Thru 24 Blk 32 New 175 35,880 52,686 0.6810
Lt 1 Blk 1 Barnett-White 1930 26,340 28,060 0.9387
Lt 1 & S 35 Lt 2 Blk 6 We 2950 43,810 36,684 1.1943
Lt 4 Blk 46 Ot White Deer 3292 40,410 45,156 0.8949
MH Lts 4-9 Blk 2 Tribble- 3474 39,440 36,084 1.0930
Lts 7 Thru 10 Blk 28 Ot S 3706 26,330 34,824 0.7561
Lt 6 & N/2 Lt 5 Blk 30 Ot 4538 19,860 26,000 0.7638
302X231 Plot 74 Suburb-Wh 4664 26,040 37,541 0.6936
Lts 12 Thru 16 Blk 42 New 5439 20,580 28,000 0.7350
Lts 13 Thru 15 Blk 33 New 5496 23,500 29,981 0.7838
Stratum 2 Totals   302,190 355,016 0.8512

Category A - Stratum 3
$ 46,561 - $ 74,360

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Lts 1 thru 5 Blk 34 Ot Wh 3482 49,640 50,461 0.9837
MH Lts 21 Thru 24 Blk 17 3596 48,550 40,000 1.2138
Lts 31-32 Blk 1 Harrah-Wh 3597 50,600 47,486 1.0656
N/178.75 Plot 72 Suburb-W 3709 51,780 69,000 0.7504
Lt 10 & N/2 Lt 11 Blk 4 W 4356 70,320 83,605 0.8411
Lts 1 Thru 4 Blk 2 Powers 489 72,130 89,000 0.8104
E/2 of N/2 Plot 13 Suburb 5232 66,760 77,335 0.8633
Lt 12 & S/2 Lt 11 Blk 69 5644 70,510 105,000 0.6715
S/2 Lt 10 & N35 Lt 11 Blk 6192 47,150 46,621 1.0113
Lt 1 Blk 2 Westside White 6440 47,050 45,000 1.0456
MH Lt 1 Thru 5 Blk 2 Hodg 6630 53,730 54,770 0.9810
S/2 Lt 9 All L/10 & 1 & N 994 72,820 53,000 1.3740
Stratum 3 Totals   701,040 761,278 0.9209

Category A - Stratum 4
$ 74,361 - $ 103,190

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Lts 9-10 Blk 2 Harrah-Whi 112 79,250 79,705 0.9943
LT 1 & S 14 Lt 2 Blk 2 Fl 1959 100,920 99,605 1.0132
S39 Lt 13 & N46 Lt 12 Blk 3461 102,220 99,876 1.0235
N 52 Lt 2 & S 33 LT 3 Blk 3726 100,330 102,518 0.9787
Lt 11 & S/2 Lt 10 Blk 7 W 3997 87,640 84,671 1.0351
Lts 25-26 Blk 1 Harrah-Wh 4966 93,040 85,885 1.0833
Lt 1 Blk 32 Ot White Deer 6216 93,980 99,000 0.9493
Lts 9-10 Blk 64 Ot White 9106 81,920 79,038 1.0365
MH LTs 7 Thru 10 Blk 3 Sk 957 101,620 93,714 1.0844
Stratum 4 Totals   840,920 824,012 1.0205

Category A - Stratum 5
$ 103,191 - $999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Pt Plot 83 Suburb-White D 11778 161,040 141,110 1.1412
Lts 20 & 21 Blk 8 Floral 12109 159,180 159,100 1.0005
W/138.5 of S/144.05 Plot 261 131,830 122,463 1.0765
Lts 7-8 Blk 49 Ot White D 3838 152,240 163,000 0.9340
LTs 3-4 Blk 1 Harrah-Whit 3975 144,120 139,854 1.0305
LTs 22-24 Blk 27 Ot White 4417 103,610 117,323 0.8831
LTs 1 Thru 8 Blk 13 Flora 6328 223,330 215,069 1.0384
Lts 14-15 Blk 3 Skaggs Wh 6731 105,920 96,513 1.0975
LT 2 Blk 1 Deer Run Addn 705968 186,330 138,138 1.3489
LT 10 Blk 1 Deer Run Addn 705976 260,260 200,060 1.3009
N/37.5 Lt 14 & S/42.5 Lt 8338 104,360 99,759 1.0461
Stratum 5 Totals   1,732,220 1,592,389 1.0878

Category A - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
1 U 0 216 0 0 1,610,440 1,610,440  
2 R 10 274 302,190 355,016 8,223,150 0.8512 9,660,656  
3 R 12 146 701,040 761,278 8,712,190 0.9209 9,460,517  
4 R 9 86 840,920 824,012 7,681,190 1.0205 7,526,889  
5 R 11 77 1,732,220 1,592,389 10,803,930 1.0878 9,931,908  
Total   42 799 3,576,370 3,532,695 37,030,900   38,190,410 0.9696