taxes Property Tax Assistance

2016 Field Studies Category Worksheet

067-907/Ranger ISD

Category A - Stratum 2
$ 10,701 - $ 24,330

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
B & 65x140 SE Cor Blk 36 3488 17,810 25,644 0.6945
N/8 Lt 8, All Lt 9 & S20 52539 24,290 28,145 0.8630
Lts 7 & 14-15 Blk 3 Black 52880 22,280 29,876 0.7457
Lt 1 & S25 Lt 2 Blk 2 52994 18,300 15,000 1.2200
53028 22,770 39,019 0.5836
All lot 12 Blk 9 Dean 53056 20,540 24,069 0.8534
Lts 7-8-9 Blk 2 Bundick 53134 11,330 17,033 0.6652
Lt 7 & 8 Blk 3 Young 53277 20,570 28,873 0.7124
S75 Lts 10, 11. 12 Blk 4 53400 14,310 23,375 0.6122
Lt 6 Blk 1 Dean 53685 23,610 16,594 1.4228
Lt 1 Blk 16 HOP 54135 20,150 22,841 0.8822
Stratum 2 Totals   215,960 270,469 0.7985

Category A - Stratum 3
$ 24,331 - $ 38,460

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Lt 7 & S/2 Lt 8 Blk 2 Co 52172 27,300 35,453 0.7700
Lt 8 Blk 10 Dean 52423 32,620 37,383 0.8726
Lts 11-12 Blk 12 HOP 52710 25,830 40,242 0.6419
S77 Blk 6 Ray 52717 29,630 47,367 0.6255
Lt 7 & W/2 Lt 8 Blk 9 Hop 52956 27,540 57,247 0.4811
AB 10 SE & F Blundell 53361 28,250 33,353 0.8470
LTS 7-8 & W30 Lt 9 Blk 9 53505 26,750 40,269 0.6643
W 71 Lt 1 Blk 2 Rawls 53572 26,790 39,656 0.6756
S 25 LTS 1-3 bLK 9 OT 53724 32,240 46,715 0.6901
Lt 23 Blk 1 Hyr 54186 29,940 39,793 0.7524
Stratum 3 Totals   286,890 417,478 0.6872

Category A - Stratum 4
$ 38,461 - $ 60,510

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
All 7 E2S of 8 Blk 23 You 3281 41,620 78,263 0.5318
7-9 Blk 25 Young 3295 58,960 84,065 0.7014
W/25 Ltg 2 & all Lot 3 bl 52624 52,720 63,903 0.8250
Lts 1-3 Blk 9 Young 53047 42,840 76,914 0.5570
LTS 1-2 & S/2 LT 3 BLK 31 53208 38,750 48,750 0.7949
N/2 Lt 2, all lts 3-10 & 53591 58,530 63,750 0.9181
Lt 3 blk 1 Oak Hill 53652 55,660 84,512 0.6586
Lts-7-8 Blk 8 HOP 53727 53,380 64,136 0.8323
AB 10 SE&F Blundell 53992 44,690 60,602 0.7374
Stratum 4 Totals   447,150 624,895 0.7156

Category A - Stratum 5
$ 60,511 - $999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
1-3 Blk 18 Gholson 13164 76,240 116,053 0.6569
W/25 of 27 all 28 Blk 6 H 13526 65,080 119,303 0.5455
7-9 & 10 Blk 35 Young 3484 63,580 78,498 0.8100
Lt 1 & E 30 Lt 2 Blk 14 H 52751 81,200 103,224 0.7866
Lts 5-6 Blk 8 HOP 52759 74,220 92,880 0.7991
E20 Lts 9-10 & W 42 ot 11 53163 67,670 105,231 0.6431
W45 lt 5 & all lt 6 Blk 1 53414 79,770 90,734 0.8792
AB 10 NW & F Blundell 54030 111,870 217,014 0.5155
21 Blk 1 Meadowbrook 55684 78,460 78,500 0.9995
Stratum 5 Totals   698,090 1,001,437 0.6971

Category A - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
1 U 0 252 0 0 1,277,610 1,277,610  
2 R 11 323 215,960 270,469 5,559,690 0.7985 6,962,668  
3 R 10 214 286,890 417,478 6,533,700 0.6872 9,507,712  
4 R 9 128 447,150 624,895 6,155,700 0.7156 8,602,152  
5 R 9 66 698,090 1,001,437 5,703,390 0.6971 8,181,595  
Total   39 983 1,648,090 2,314,279 25,230,090   34,531,737 0.7306

Category D2 - Stratum 0
$ 1 - $999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Pt of RR Puckett Sur AB 4 10080 2,310 3,290 0.7021
J Little AB 349 10216 19,320 21,089 0.9161
F Scranton AB 436 10244 354,170 367,107 0.9648
F Scranton AB 436 10248 6,400 6,487 0.9866
W H Cook AB 60 10262 35,860 34,778 1.0311
F Kruger AB 681 10272 25,580 25,594 0.9995
N/2 9 E/3 T A Howell AB 1 10289 23,240 24,000 0.9683
W/3 15 T A Howell AB 152 11048 7,840 9,771 0.8024
J D Weeks AB 12036 18762 15,830 16,800 0.9423
AB 156 TR E Mark Haley 52357 5,240 5,297 0.9892
AB 415 JP Rohus 52921 5,420 5,264 1.0296
TR 7 Mary Gury AB 127 55589 4,360 4,874 0.8945
H Hutson AB 157 9909 15,600 15,583 1.0011
AB 369 McLennan C S L 9961 8,680 8,431 1.0295
Stratum 0 Totals   529,850 548,365 0.9662

Category D2 - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
0 R 14 247 529,850 548,365 12,309,030 0.9662 12,739,629  
Total   14 247 529,850 548,365 12,309,030   12,739,629 0.9662

Category E - Stratum 0
$ 1 - $999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
127 J Delaney AB 78 10177 80,960 88,807 0.9116
Chas B Durocher AB 76 10200 66,310 70,018 0.9470
MH JW Cooper AB 57 11002 73,890 51,754 1.4277
MH Mark Haley AB 156 2004 18315 65,660 77,626 0.8459
Mark Haley AB 156 18917 136,260 192,000 0.7097
AB 156 M Haley 52239 94,290 99,999 0.9429
AB 360 James Lehea TR 40 52290 81,010 99,000 0.8183
MH AB 10 NE & F Blundell 52438 12,280 28,135 0.4365
AB 156 Mark Haley Eleven 53289 198,960 179,179 1.1104
AB 156 Mark Haley 53295 168,150 153,782 1.0934
AB 10 SW & F Blundell 54139 78,450 82,236 0.9540
AB 120 TR 3 WM Ferells 54185 36,420 29,971 1.2152
55796 207,870 207,870 1.0000
TR 1 Mark Haley AB 156 57486 69,620 120,000 0.5802
Tr 2 WM Frells AB 120 58995 105,110 120,000 0.8759
Stratum 0 Totals   1,475,240 1,600,377 0.9218

Category E - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
0 R 15 676 1,475,240 1,600,377 32,030,460 0.9218 34,747,733  
Total   15 676 1,475,240 1,600,377 32,030,460   34,747,733 0.9218

Category F1 - Stratum 2
$ 17,671 - $ 67,170

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
RANGER DENTAL; N 70 OF 6 12669 18,840 20,417 0.9228
CONOCO STATION; 8-12 BLK 14791 48,210 64,022 0.7530
AT&T BLDG; LTS 1-2 BLK 22 52111 65,140 62,578 1.0409
"THE STORE" 4-8 BLK 3 HOP 52295 24,910 33,066 0.7533
TINDALLS HARDWARE STORE; 52854 27,780 30,320 0.9162
FMR HI-BALL TRUCK PARTS & 53025 46,020 44,900 1.0249
WAGON WHEEL REST; AB 120 54133 34,380 41,898 0.8206
RANGER LAW ENF CENTER BLD 55691 25,770 30,702 0.8394
Stratum 2 Totals   291,050 327,903 0.8876

Category F1 - Stratum 3
$ 67,171 - $ 195,240

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
FMR DOLLAR GENERAL; LT 4 52538 70,190 71,077 0.9875
DT WHSE; LT 1 BLK 1 HYR 52738 81,700 83,439 0.9792
OPEN RANGE REST; S23.40 O 52748 71,120 74,630 0.9530
OUTLAWS LIQUOR STORE; AB 53038 77,480 76,261 1.0160
EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME; LTS 53552 107,120 125,542 0.8533
SVC GAR @ LOVES; AB 120 W 53760 107,780 99,491 1.0833
FMR CARAWAY AUTO PTS; AB 54123 79,880 126,010 0.6339
Stratum 3 Totals   595,270 656,450 0.9068

Category F1 - Stratum 4
$ 195,241 - $ 617,850

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
FREDDYS GARAGE; AB 120 WM 52294 305,760 292,320 1.0460
CHILLERZ CONV STORE; AB 4 53394 231,510 224,654 1.0305
FIRST FINANCIAL BANK RANG 53615 223,900 236,460 0.9469
DR PEPPER BOTTLING CO; AB 53687 232,080 227,492 1.0202
Stratum 4 Totals   993,250 980,926 1.0126

Category F1 - Stratum 5
$ 617,851 - $999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
RANGER CARE CENTER; AB 10 52363 621,470 650,757 0.9550
LOVES TRUCK STOP; AB 120 53331 817,450 807,975 1.0117
Stratum 5 Totals   1,438,920 1,458,732 0.9864

Category F1 - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
1 U 0 57 0 0 484,690 484,690  
2 R 8 60 291,050 327,903 2,255,760 0.8876 2,541,415  
3 R 7 24 595,270 656,450 2,525,090 0.9068 2,784,616  
4 R 4 10 993,250 980,926 3,123,490 1.0126 3,084,624  
5 R 2 2 1,438,920 1,458,732 1,438,920 0.9864 1,458,759  
Total   21 153 3,318,490 3,424,011 9,827,950   10,354,104 0.9492

Category L1 - Stratum 2
$ 14,911 - $ 118,790

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
ALLSUPS CONVENIENCE STORE 51191 90,080 95,435 0.9439
DAIRY QUEEN RANGER 51362 36,080 31,404 1.1489
GARYS AUTOMOTIVE 51451 29,240 46,120 0.6340
ALLSUPS #189 RANGER 55091 36,040 39,494 0.9125
XEROX CORPORATION 60925 24,330 41,438 0.5871
PROGRESSIVE WASTE SOLUTIO 61520 55,020 72,116 0.7629
G W SERVICES GLACIER ICE 63675 15,000 18,989 0.7899
DEERE CREDIT INC 65926 36,500 36,050 1.0125
Stratum 2 Totals   322,290 381,046 0.8458

Category L1 - Stratum 3
$ 118,791 - $ 235,480

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
CONNER BROTHERS DOZER SER 59042 128,000 128,000 1.0000
DSC ENVRIOMENTAL-WEST TEX 61441 144,720 228,900 0.6322
FOLLETT HIGHER EDUCATION 64674 155,480 162,184 0.9587
STROEBEL FOOD STORES INC 65183 235,480 240,254 0.9801
Stratum 3 Totals   663,680 759,338 0.8740

Category L1 - Stratum 4
$ 235,481 - $ 1,334,421

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
FREDDYS GARAGE & MACHINE 57127 522,120 520,620 1.0029
LOVES COUNTRY STORE #270 59060 1,230,430 1,041,343 1.1816
TEXAS STAR TRUCK WASH 66189 255,000 205,440 1.2412
Stratum 4 Totals   2,007,550 1,767,403 1.1359

Category L1 - Stratum 6
$ 1,334,422 - $999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL 66367 1,464,880 1,475,734 0.9926
Stratum 6 Totals   1,464,880 1,475,734 0.9926

Category L1 - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
1 U 0 69 0 0 324,530 324,530  
2 R 8 34 322,290 381,046 1,304,180 0.8458 1,541,948  
3 R 4 7 663,680 759,338 1,160,170 0.8740 1,327,426  
4 R 3 3 2,007,550 1,767,403 1,741,570 1.1359 1,533,207  
6 C 1 1 1,464,880 1,475,734 1,464,880 0.9926 1,475,734  
Total   16 114 4,458,400 4,383,521 5,995,330   6,202,845 0.9665