taxes Property Tax Assistance

2016 Field Studies Category Worksheet

160-905/Lohn ISD

Category A - Stratum 0
$ 1 - $999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
45 1055 BLEIKE 24774 171,890 172,578 0.9960
45 1055 BLEIKE 24777 93,630 101,573 0.9218
45 1055 BLEIKE 24782 37,600 31,356 1.1991
45 1055 BLEIKE 24783 103,150 102,944 1.0020
45 1055 BLEIKE 24785 9,260 13,469 0.6875
45 1055 BLEIKE LT 3 BK 3 24791 118,810 146,504 0.8110
46 1054 BLEIKE 24803 130,950 138,148 0.9479
222 1110 DITTMOR H 25384 67,760 63,699 1.0638
222 1110 DITTMOR H 25385 89,970 74,009 1.2157
222 11110 DITMOR H 25387 187,050 190,674 0.9810
828 1214 KOESTER F 27392 41,470 48,272 0.8591
1563 138 LOHN W 29411 35,400 39,500 0.8962
Stratum 0 Totals   1,086,940 1,122,726 0.9681

Category A - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
0 R 12 28 1,086,940 1,122,726 1,898,280 0.9681 1,960,830  
Total   12 28 1,086,940 1,122,726 1,898,280   1,960,830 0.9681

Category D2 - Stratum 0
$ 1 - $999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
24805 33,890 33,586 1.0091
IMP ONLY 195 DAMKEN EH 25297 5,300 6,617 0.8010
Imported Legal 26298 18,230 18,276 0.9975
Imported Legal 26644 8,110 6,928 1.1706
Imported Legal 26806 600 654 0.9174
Imported Legal 26811 710 1,083 0.6556
IMP ONLY 749 197 H&GN RR 27147 9,830 6,668 1.4742
IMP ONLY 1255 1073 SCHLAN 28455 4,500 3,521 1.2780
1509 16TISDALE C R 29243 1,450 1,501 0.9660
29244 122,960 129,004 0.9531
Imported Legal 30081 61,270 51,729 1.1844
IMP ONLY 1725 146 WALDRIP 32245 28,000 27,322 1.0248
1099 1052PETRICH J JR 34766 1,180 1,247 0.9463
Stratum 0 Totals   296,030 288,136 1.0274

Category D2 - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
0 R 13 92 296,030 288,136 1,662,570 1.0274 1,618,230  
Total   13 92 296,030 288,136 1,662,570   1,618,230 1.0274

Category E - Stratum 0
$ 1 - $999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
45 1055 BLEIKE 24772 14,580 15,544 0.9380
189 1090 COX H 1 OF 49.50 25273 116,330 116,786 0.9961
655 103 H&TC RR CO 4.904 26710 42,960 51,876 0.8281
828 1214 KOESTER F 1.0 AC 27393 45,470 56,235 0.8086
910 1083 LUCKENBACH J 1.0 27644 12,780 12,363 1.0337
MH 1136 1069 FEIDEL A 6.6 28202 45,290 42,572 1.0638
1485 13 ENGLAND J W 1 OF 29169 3,650 3,261 1.1193
1563 138 LOHN W PT OF 281 29408 49,750 58,765 0.8466
1574 150 MITCHELL A 1.65 29443 21,570 32,265 0.6685
1599 86 SCHMIDT W&C 2.023 29524 107,650 109,791 0.9805
1770 104 LOHN WE 1.00 AC 30016 73,570 69,146 1.0640
1770 104 LOHN WE 1.00 OF 30018 12,160 13,359 0.9102
1794 60SHERIDAN J P 30083M 141,390 180,128 0.7849
2161 192 BLACKWELL JH 1 O 30723 58,390 63,076 0.9257
45 1055 BLEIKE 1.672 OF 2 32772 25,410 26,173 0.9708
422 37 GH&SA RR CO 1.00 O 33425 87,340 88,631 0.9854
MH 189 1090 COX H 1 OF 49 34858 74,560 72,382 1.0301
113 1069 REIDEL A 1 OF 50 35871 66,170 53,371 1.2398
195 1217DAMKEN E H 36188 5,630 7,729 0.7284
122 1178 BRUNE 1 OF 320 A 36893 66,400 67,521 0.9834
Stratum 0 Totals   1,071,050 1,140,974 0.9387

Category E - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
0 R 20 280 1,071,050 1,140,974 12,595,880 0.9387 13,418,430  
Total   20 280 1,071,050 1,140,974 12,595,880   13,418,430 0.9387