taxes Property Tax Assistance

2017 CAD Productivity Values Report


Productivity Comparison

Land Class No. Acres Reported Values $/Acre Reported Value
PTAD Values $/Acre PTAD Value
Irrigated Crop 61 199.18 12,150 199.18 12,150
Dry Crop 42,481 213.27 9,059,952 275.50 11,703,557
Barren 3,570 30.01 107,150 30.01 107,150
Orchard 95 203.68 19,350 203.68 19,350
Improved Pasture 52,172 94.71 4,941,160 126.30 6,589,062
Native Pasture 38,986 67.51 2,632,040 44.50 1,734,915
Quarantined land 0 0 0
Wildlife Management 5,594 369,980 369,766
Timber at Productivity 0 0 0
Timber at 1978 Market 0 0 0
Transition to Timber 0 0 0
Timber at Restricted 0 0 0
Other 415 82.58 34,270 82.58 34,270
Category Totals: 143,374   $ 17,176,052   $ 20,570,220

Ratio: 0.8350

Wildlife Management

Previous Land Class No. Acres PTAD Values
PTAD Values
Irrigated Crop 0 0
Dry Crop 0 0
Barren 0 0
Orchard 0 0
Improved Pasture 0 0
Native Pasture 10 47.60 476
Quarantined Land 0 0
Other 5,584 62.23 347,497
Totals: 5,594   $ 369,766

Transition to Timber

Previous Land Class No. Acres PTAD Values
PTAD Values
Irrigated Crop 0 0
Dry Crop 0 0
Barren 0 0
Orchard 0 0
Improved Pasture 0 0
Native Pasture 0 0
Quarantined Land 0 0
Wildlife 0 0
Other 0 0
Totals: 0   $ 0