taxes Property Tax Assistance

2017 CAD Productivity Values Report


Productivity Comparison

Land Class No. Acres Reported Values $/Acre Reported Value
PTAD Values $/Acre PTAD Value
Irrigated Crop 0 0 0
Dry Crop 94,963 143.01 13,580,700 163.10 15,488,254
Barren 2,193 50.02 109,694 50.02 109,694
Orchard 801 301.94 241,851 301.94 241,851
Improved Pasture 136,243 127.01 17,303,780 80.50 10,967,238
Native Pasture 88,863 84.01 7,464,974 28.70 2,550,427
Quarantined land 0 0 0
Wildlife Management 5,643 569,148 380,113
Timber at Productivity 0 0 0
Timber at 1978 Market 0 0 0
Transition to Timber 0 0 0
Timber at Restricted 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0
Category Totals: 328,706   $ 39,270,147   $ 29,737,577

Ratio: 1.3206

Wildlife Management

Previous Land Class No. Acres PTAD Values
PTAD Values
Irrigated Crop 0 0
Dry Crop 788 163.20 128,598
Barren 875 28.58 25,005
Orchard 0 0
Improved Pasture 1,805 80.52 145,339
Native Pasture 2,175 28.70 62,422
Quarantined Land 0 0
Other 0 0
Totals: 5,643   $ 380,113

Transition to Timber

Previous Land Class No. Acres PTAD Values
PTAD Values
Irrigated Crop 0 0
Dry Crop 0 0
Barren 0 0
Orchard 0 0
Improved Pasture 0 0
Native Pasture 0 0
Quarantined Land 0 0
Wildlife 0 0
Other 0 0
Totals: 0   $ 0