taxes Property Tax Assistance

2017 ISD Productivity Values Report

229-903/Woodville ISD

Productivity Comparison

Land Class No. Acres Reported Values
Reported Values
PTAD Values
PTAD Values
Irrigated Crop 3,267 215.04 702,522 427.40 1,396,316
Dry Crop 1,412 320.10 451,976 241.53 341,040
Barren 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Orchard 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Improved Pasture 15,283 180.00 2,751,003 112.50 1,719,338
Native Pasture 1,000 100.06 100,064 78.38 78,380
Quarantined Land 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Wildlife Management 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Timber at Productivity 107,988 0.00 25,951,642 0.00 26,000,694
Timber at 1978 Market 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Transition to Timber 24 0.00 3,896 0.00 2,462
Timber at Restricted 30,604 0.00 3,464,800 0.00 3,466,424
Other 228 1,001.86 228,425 1,001.86 228,425
Category Totals 159,806   $33,654,328   $33,233,079

Ratio: 1.0127

Transition to Timber

Previous Land Class No. Acres PTAD Value/Acre PTAD Value
Irrigated Crop 0 0.00 0
Dry Crop 0 0.00 0
Barren 0 0.00 0
Orchard 0 0.00 0
Improved Pasture 17 112.50 1,913
Native Pasture 7 78.38 549
Quarantined Land 0 0.00 0
Wildlife 0 0.00 0
Other 0 0.00 0
Totals: 24   $2,462

Timber at Productivity

Timber Class Percent Acres No. Acres PTAD Value/Acre PTAD Value
Hardwood I 3.77 4,067 123.55 502,478
Hardwood II 4.70 5,079 51.29 260,502
Hardwood III .49 531 29.77 15,808
Hardwood IV .36 391 6.22 2,432
Pine I 5.29 5,711 428.55 2,447,449
Pine II 59.74 64,517 270.91 17,478,300
Pine III 8.70 9,396 212.58 1,997,402
Pine IV 2.12 2,284 192.29 439,190
Mixed I 2.51 2,711 275.51 746,908
Mixed II 10.18 10,994 173.61 1,908,668
Mixed III 1.27 1,376 102.17 140,586
Mixed IV .86 931 65.49 60,971
Totals   107,988   $26,000,694

Timber at Restricted Use

Timber Class Percent Acres No. Acres PTAD Value/Acre PTAD Value
Hardwood I 8.53 2,611 61.78 161,308
Hardwood II 5.88 1,799 25.65 46,144
Hardwood III .58 176 14.89 2,621
Hardwood IV .36 111 3.11 345
Pine I 5.03 1,540 214.28 329,991
Pine II 47.50 14,536 135.46 1,969,047
Pine III 9.49 2,904 106.29 308,666
Pine IV .87 267 96.15 25,672
Mixed I 5.63 1,724 137.76 237,498
Mixed II 12.66 3,873 86.81 336,215
Mixed III 2.51 769 51.09 39,288
Mixed IV .96 294 32.75 9,629
Totals   30,604   $3,466,424