taxes Property Tax Assistance

2018 Field Studies Category Worksheet

056-902/Texline ISD

Category E - Stratum 0
$ 1 - $999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
Sec 44 Blk 4 Css 17332 600 931 0.6445
MH Sw/4 Sec 3 Blk 6 Css 17494 62,770 68,481 0.9166
Sec 7 Blk 6 Css 17508 84,470 75,923 1.1126
MH A Strip Off N Side Of 17516 33,580 36,980 0.9081
MH S/2 of N/2 Sec 11 Blk 17519 46,430 42,401 1.0950
A 2 AC TR OUT OF MIDDLE S 17670 1,200 1,146 1.0471
Sec 65 Blk 7 Css 17751 191,080 275,526 0.6935
Sec 73 Blk 7 Css 17776 146,980 149,450 0.9835
S & W OF RR ROW SEC 92 BL 17836 52,750 49,995 1.0551
TR OUT OF RR PROP SEC 92 17837 18,690 16,796 1.1128
.99 AC TR OUT OF SEC 43 B 17847 590 566 1.0424
Sw/4 & N/2 Of Se/4 Sec 43 18181 24,060 48,584 0.4952
S/2 Sec 61 Blk 1 M E Hay 18213 114,530 120,895 0.9474
3.84 AC TR OUT OF W PT SE 18225 2,300 2,204 1.0436
6 AC TR IN NW/4 SEC 77 BL 18254 99,680 92,850 1.0736
4.616 AC TR IN E PT SEC 9 18285 44,580 65,369 0.6820
W Pt Sec 8 Blk 2 Fdw 18382 54,390 70,340 0.7732
W/2 Sec 8 Blk 4 Fdw 18405 52,830 65,386 0.8080
Tr Off S Side Sec 84 Exc 19154 179,010 147,708 1.2119
3.87 Ac Tr Out of N Pt Se 23715 43,200 124,974 0.3457
13.65 Ac Tr Out of Se/4 S 24069 38,520 34,053 1.1312
Stratum 0 Totals   1,292,240 1,490,558 0.8670

Category E - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
0 R 21 178 1,292,240 1,490,558 15,391,190 0.8670 17,752,238  
Total   21 178 1,292,240 1,490,558 15,391,190   17,752,238 0.8670

Category L1 - Stratum 2
$ 97,191 - $ 478,700

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
ALLIANCE IRRIGATION P10022 461,830 465,632 0.9918
ALLSUPS #111 P10025 195,340 216,661 0.9016
ALLSUPS - #111 P10027 101,470 107,481 0.9441
MWI VETERINARY SUPPLY P22533 159,650 156,704 1.0188
CHEAP USA - LARSEN FARMS P23246 107,500 113,335 0.9485
VFI-SPV IX CORP P23249 419,680 420,993 0.9969
FARM CREDIT LEASING - POO P23492 208,880 198,805 1.0507
Stratum 2 Totals   1,654,350 1,679,611 0.9850

Category L1 - Stratum 3
$ 478,701 - $ 1,370,510

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
POOLE CHEMICAL CO INC - R P10458 1,269,050 1,216,898 1.0429
VARILEASE FINANCE INC - B P23247 817,500 820,054 0.9969
Stratum 3 Totals   2,086,550 2,036,952 1.0243

Category L1 - Stratum 4
$ 1,370,511 - $ 2,040,500

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
POOLE LEASING CO INC- ROL P10461 1,678,290 1,787,429 0.9389
VFI KR SPE 1 LLC - BLAINE P23248 1,994,640 2,000,871 0.9969
Stratum 4 Totals   3,672,930 3,788,300 0.9695

Category L1 - Stratum 6
$ 4,355,732 - $999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
LARSEN BLAINE FARMS P23546 9,242,850 9,418,868 0.9813
Stratum 6 Totals   9,242,850 9,418,868 0.9813

Category L1 - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
1 U 0 51 0 0 1,007,480 1,007,480  
2 R 7 15 1,654,350 1,679,611 2,824,980 0.9850 2,868,000  
3 R 2 2 2,086,550 2,036,952 2,086,550 1.0243 2,037,050  
4 C 2 2 3,672,930 3,788,300 3,672,930 0.9695 3,788,300  
5 U 0 1 0 0 1,967,596 1,967,596  
6 C 1 1 9,242,850 9,418,868 9,242,850 0.9813 9,418,868  
Total   12 72 16,656,680 16,923,731 20,802,386   21,087,294 0.9865