taxes Property Tax Assistance

2018 CAD Productivity Values Report


Productivity Comparison

Land Class No. Acres Reported Values $/Acre Reported Value
PTAD Values $/Acre PTAD Value
Irrigated Crop 0 0 0
Dry Crop 9,629 160.04 1,541,050 166.90 1,607,041
Barren 0 0 0
Orchard 0 0 0
Improved Pasture 321,947 90.28 29,066,720 97.80 31,488,417
Native Pasture 16,380 90.03 1,474,720 104.00 1,590,884
Quarantined land 0 0 0
Wildlife Management 10,528 1,550,050 1,194,073
Timber at Productivity 251,998 53,512,440 53,374,264
Timber at 1978 Market 0 0 0
Transition to Timber 2,331 210,040 256,076
Timber at Restricted 25,759 3,263,970 3,118,404
Other 8 317.50 10,540 317.50 10,540
Category Totals: 638,580   $ 90,629,530   $ 92,639,699

Ratio: 0.9783

Wildlife Management

Previous Land Class No. Acres PTAD Values
PTAD Values
Irrigated Crop 0 0
Dry Crop 0 0
Barren 0 0
Orchard 0 0
Improved Pasture 0 0
Native Pasture 10,528 113.42 1,194,073
Quarantined Land 0 0
Other 0 0
Totals: 10,528   $ 1,194,073

Transition to Timber

Previous Land Class No. Acres PTAD Values
PTAD Values
Irrigated Crop 0 0
Dry Crop 0 0
Barren 0 0
Orchard 0 0
Improved Pasture 0 0
Native Pasture 2,331 109.86 256,076
Quarantined Land 0 0
Wildlife 0 0
Other 0 0
Totals: 2,331   $ 256,076

Timber at Productivity

Timber Class Percent Acres No. Acres PTAD Value/Acre PTAD Value
Hardwood I .83 2,104 132.75 279,307
Hardwood II 2.25 5,674 56.74 321,945
Hardwood III .19 471 33.69 15,869
Hardwood IV .22 563 8.49 4,780
Pine I 1.81 4,569 434.77 1,986,463
Pine II 41.33 4,140 276.28 28,771,800
Pine III 11.88 29,938 213.21 6,383,082
Pine IV .38 950 194.07 184,367
Mixed I 1.69 4,268 260.78 1,113,008
Mixed II 29.67 74,767 161.59 12,081,599
Mixed III 9.10 22,925 93.13 2,135,004
Mixed IV .65 1,629 59.57 97,040
Totals:   251,998   $ 53,374,264

Timber at Restricted Use

Timber Class Percent Acres No. Acres PTAD Value/Acre PTAD Value
Hardwood I 3.03 781 66.38 51,843
Hardwood II 2.66 685 28.37 19,433
Hardwood III .03 9 16.78 151
Hardwood IV .00 0 .00 0
Pine I 2.13 549 217.39 119,348
Pine II 58.71 15,122 .00 2,088,954
Pine III 13.13 3,383 106.61 360,662
Pine IV 12.71 3,275 97.04 317,806
Mixed I .38 97 130.38 12,647
Mixed II 6.92 1,783 80.80 144,067
Mixed III .29 75 46.57 3,493
Mixed IV .00 0 .00 0
Totals:   25,759   $ 3,118,404