taxes Property Tax Assistance

2018 CAD Productivity Values Report


Productivity Comparison

Land Class No. Acres Reported Values $/Acre Reported Value
PTAD Values $/Acre PTAD Value
Irrigated Crop 0 0 0
Dry Crop 29,472 320.55 9,447,379 285.00 7,946,748
Barren 2,312 37.05 85,656 37.05 85,656
Orchard 0 0 0
Improved Pasture 20,007 102.91 2,058,887 118.50 2,333,608
Native Pasture 32,795 94.70 3,105,739 122.50 4,014,803
Quarantined land 0 0 0
Wildlife Management 416,362 55,682,580 59,494,796
Timber at Productivity 0 0 0
Timber at 1978 Market 0 0 0
Transition to Timber 0 0 0
Timber at Restricted 0 0 0
Other 995 94.48 94,008 94.48 94,008
Category Totals: 501,943   $ 70,474,249   $ 73,969,619

Ratio: 0.9527

Wildlife Management

Previous Land Class No. Acres PTAD Values
PTAD Values
Irrigated Crop 0 0
Dry Crop 56,859 292.98 16,658,361
Barren 12,812 37.08 475,114
Orchard 0 0
Improved Pasture 1,188 149.75 177,905
Native Pasture 341,123 122.51 41,789,860
Quarantined Land 0 0
Other 4,380 94.54 414,080
Totals: 416,362   $ 59,494,796

Transition to Timber

Previous Land Class No. Acres PTAD Values
PTAD Values
Irrigated Crop 0 0
Dry Crop 0 0
Barren 0 0
Orchard 0 0
Improved Pasture 0 0
Native Pasture 0 0
Quarantined Land 0 0
Wildlife 0 0
Other 0 0
Totals: 0   $ 0