taxes Property Tax Assistance

2017 Appraisal District Ratio Study

Appraisal District Summary Worksheet

034 Cass

Category Number of Ratios ** 2017 CAD Rept Appraised Value Median Level of Appr Coefficient of Dispersion % Ratios w/in (+/-) 10% of Median % Ratios w/in (+/-) 25% of Median Price-Related Differential
A. Single-Family Residences 333 401,544,856 .96 12.90 51.95 89.18 1.02
B. Multi-Family Residences 0 16,362,260 * * * * *
C1. Vacant Lots 0 12,399,019 * * * * *
C2. Colonia lots 0 0 * * * * *
D2. Farm/Ranch Imp 0 19,982,667 * * * * *
E. Rural non-qualified 199 635,081,013 .98 26.95 45.22 79.89 1.14
F1. Commercial Real 75 109,408,167 * * * * *
F2. Industrial Real 0 272,366,110 * * * * *
G. Oil, Gas, Minerals 11 30,055,675 * * * * *
J. Utilities 15 195,376,640 1.03 8.74 73.33 100.00 1.00
L1. Commercial Personal 0 47,572,757 * * * * *
L2. Industrial Personal 0 159,021,810 * * * * *
M. Other Personal 0 30,188,640 * * * * *
O. Residential Inventory 0 46,470 * * * * *
S. Special Inventory 0 1,440,090 * * * * *
Overall 633 1,930,846,174 .97 16.49 54.97 87.20 1.03

* Not Calculated - Need a minimum of 5 ratios from either (A) categories representing at least 25% of total CAD category value or (B) 5 ISDs or half the ISDs in the CAD, whichever is less
** Statistical measures may not be reliable when the sample is small