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View Transaction History

The information displayed is a history of your electronic transactions for this tax or fee type.

Transaction Type: Type of transaction transmitted.

Date and Time: Date and time transaction transmitted.

Reference Number: This is the reference number that confirms the transaction was transmitted.

Period: The filing period(s) are displayed in a YYMM (monthly), YYQ (quarterly), or YYYY (annual) format.

End Date: The last day of the filing period.

Amount: If the Transaction Type is a Return, the amount displayed is the balance due for the period. If the Transaction Type is a Payment, the amount displayed is the payment amount submitted for the period. TEXNET payment amounts are not displayed

Status: If the status displayed is Processed, the transaction has been completed and updated to the account. If the status displayed is submitted, we have received the transaction. If the status is TEXNET, a TEXNET payment has been submitted.

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