Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Registration Process OverviewEminent Domain

If you need to file a new report, select File an Entity's First Report and press Continue.

If you need to update an existing report, select File or Update an Entity's report, enter the Eminent Domain ID number and the 11-digit Texas Taxpayer ID or 9-digit Federal Tax ID, then press Enter.

You can also update a report by selecting it from those listed in your account.

The list of reports associated for your account shows the Eminent Domain ID, the entity name, the last date the report was updated, the report status and the most recent year a report was filed.

Once a report has been filed or updated, it will be added to your list of associated reports.

The Report Status includes:

  • Pending – the report is being reviewed by the Comptroller's office.
  • Denied – the report needs additional information or clarification.
  • Accepted – the report has been filed successfully.

Entity Type

Entity Taxpayer ID or FEIN: the taxpayer ID is an 11 digit number issued by the state of Texas. The FEIN is a 9 digit number issued by the federal government.

Select the appropriate radio button and enter the corresponding number.

If the entity does not have a taxpayer ID or a FEIN, please send email or call 512 463-4581.

Entity Name: the name of the entity that has eminent domain authority.

Entity Phone number: the primary phone number of the entity with eminent domain authority.

Entity Website: the website address of the entity with eminent domain authority, if it has one.

Primary Contact Name: the first, middle, and last name of the primary contact at the entity. The contact can be, but does not have to be, an officer of the entity.

Primary Contact Title: the title of the primary contact at the entity.

Entity Contact Phone Number: the direct phone number and extension of the primary contact.

Primary Contact Email Address: the email address of the primary contact. If possible, please submit an email address that can be used for follow-up communications regarding this legislation, such as a business email account.

Select an Entity Type: choose either Government or Private/Other Non-Governmental

  • For a Government entity, select a governmental entity type. If the entity type is not listed, select Other and specify the entity type.
  • For a Private entity, select a private entity type. If the entity type is not listed, select Other and specify the entity type.

What was the earliest year in which the entity had eminent domain authority?: this is the year the entity had eminent domain authority. It may not be the year the entity was created.

Has this entity exercised eminent domain authority in calendar year 2015 by the filing of a condemnation petition under Section 21.012, Property Code?: select Yes or No.

This refers to the actual filing of the condemnation petition, rather than activities that may occur before or after the filing of the petition, such as the initial offer to purchase property, or the awarding of damages by a special commissioner's court.

You will receive an email notification annually reminding you of the deadline to file the eminent domain report. If you do NOT want to receive this notification, please check the box.

Entity Mailing Address

Please provide the entity's mailing address, including county if the entity is in Texas.

If the entity's mailing address and physical address are not the same, select No.

Physical Mailing Address

Please provide the entity's physical address, including county if the entity is in Texas.

Eminent Domain Provisions

Select the provision type to be entered: Texas Code or Constitution; Vernon's Civil Statutes; or Other Legal Authority.

If Texas Code or Constitution is selected, select the code that grants eminent domain authority. If more than one code grants authority, choose one to start. You can add more codes as necessary.

If Vernon's Civil Statute is selected, enter the title and the chapter/article numbers.

If Other Legal Authority is selected, enter the relevant legislation that grants eminent domain authority.


Select all listed sections of the code that grant eminent domain authority by checking the appropriate boxes or holding the Ctrl key and selecting each section needed in the list.

Once the appropriate sections are selected, select Continue.

If the applicable section is not listed, select Other and select Continue. Type in the section number that was not listed.

If more than one unlisted section needs to be entered, select more next to the text box to add another text box.

Enter the next unlisted selection. Continue to press more to add as many sections as needed. Once all the sections have been entered, press Continue.

Provisions Selected

These are the provisions that have been previously selected.

To delete a provision, check the box next to it and select Delete.

If additional provisions are needed, choose Add Provision.

Once all appropriate provisions have been added, select Continue.

Projects and/or Purposes

Select the type of projects/purposes that entity was granted eminent domain authority to pursue. Select all listed purposes that apply by selecting the check box next to each relevant purpose in the list.

If a project/purpose is not listed, select Other and specify the purpose for which authority was granted.

Third Party Information

If the entity with authority is the affiliate of a parent company, select Yes and enter the name of the parent company.

If not, select No.

If a third party is filing the eminent domain report on behalf of the entity, select Yes and enter the third party contact information.

If not, select No.

Third Party Contact Name: the name of the person filing the report.

Phone Number: the number of the person filing the report.

Third Party Contact Email Address: the email address of the person filing the report.

Relationship to Entity: select legal representative, non-profit or trade association, or other. If Other, please specify.

Third Party Website Address: the website of the third party filing the report.

Mailing Address: the mailing address, including county if the entity is in Texas, of the third party filing the report.


This is a summary of the information provided. If any changes need to be made, choose Continue and make a note of the Eminent Domain ID. Choose File Another Report and use the ID to update the report with correct information.

Eminent Domain Report Confirmation

Please save the eminent domain ID. The eminent domain ID for this report will be associated with your account. It will be included in the list of reports associated with your account.


If you have any questions regarding eminent domain reporting or the eminent domain database, please email us or call 844-519-5676.