Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Pay with Credit Card

We accept:

  • American Express
  • Discover
  • Mastercard®
  • Visa

We cannot change or delete credit card transactions.

Balance Due: Calculated total of the total tax due, penalties, interest and fees based on what is reported.

Total Amount Due and Payable: Calculated total of the Balance Due minus pending payments.

Amount to Pay: This field will be pre-populated with the Amount Due. You can change the amount you will pay toward the tax payment. This amount will be charged to your account.

There is a non-refundable credit card portal processing fee that will be included in the transaction, this fee is based on the amount of tax paid.

Amount Paid Fee
up to $100.00 $1.00
$100.01 or more 2.25% of the amount paid plus a $0.25 processing fee

There is no credit card online convenience fee when using the electronic check (WebEFT) payment option.

Type of Credit Card: Choose the credit card you will be using.

Name as Appears on Credit Card: The exact name as it appears on your account.

Credit Card Number: The number of your credit card account.

Credit Card Expiration Date: The expiration date of your credit card account.

Review Your Payment

Review your payment amount. If it is not correct select Edit and correct the amounts.

If the payment amount is correct, select Continue.

If you want to change your payment options, select Payment Options.

Need assistance?

If your question is not addressed here, contact us.