Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Add Non-Texas LocationCigarettes/Tobacco

Permit Type Abbreviations
Permit Type Abbreviations
Abbreviation Definition
CD Cigarette Distributor
TD Tobacco Distributor
CM Cigarette Manufacturer
TM Tobacco Manufacturer
CI Cigarette Importer
TI Tobacco Importer
CB Cigarette Broker
TB Tobacco Broker
CW Cigarette Wholesaler
TW Tobacco Wholesaler
Permit Type
Select the applicable permit types.
Location Information
Enter the information for the locations outside Texas that you wish to permit. The location must be a commercial business location.
Enter the street address and number, city, state and ZIP code. P.O. Boxes or rural route and box numbers are not acceptable.
Will you have representation in Texas?
A representative is any person who is employed to sell or distribute stamped cigarette packages or tax-paid cigars/tobacco products on behalf of your entity within the state of Texas.
First Business Date
This date cannot be more than 90 days in the future. If your start date is prior to the current date, you must contact us.

Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for processing new permit types.

Need assistance?

Contact the Comptroller's office at 800-862-2260 or visit Comptroller.Texas.Gov if you have questions regarding cigarette, cigar and/or tobacco products taxes. You can also visit a tax specialist at a field office near you.