Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Review Return or Report

The information displayed reflects a summary of the data, payment and balance due for the period selected.

If the information is correct, select Submit.

If the information is not correct, please choose the Edit button and enter the correct information.


Read the declaration statement carefully.

By checking I declare… and selecting Continue, the account holder is agreeing to the declaration that the credit request and any and all attachments are true and correct.

Account Holder is a reference to the specific user identification assigned to this account and specific tax or fee. This is not referring to management within your company such as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

NOTE: Prior payments and pending payments will be displayed at this time and included in the balance due. However, TEXNET pending payments will NOT be displayed.

Need assistance?

If your question is not addressed here, contact us.