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Business AddressCMBL/HUB Registration

Create/manage your company’s General Business Information, including:

  • the organization’s (company’s) name
  • federal tax ID (Employer ID Number)
  • mailing address
  • physical address
  • phone number
  • fax number
  • URL (Web address)

Organization (Company) Name: Provide the company’s name as it is referenced in the Assumed Name Certificate of an Unincorporated Business filed with the county in with the company’s primary business establish is located, or as the company name is referenced in the Articles of Incorporation/Formation or Assumed Name Certificate filed with the Texas Secretary of State.

Federal Tax ID: Provide the nine-digit federal Employer ID Number (EIN) assigned to you for the purpose of filing your business’ federal income tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If you do not have a federal EIN, you may obtain one free of charge from the IRS online or by calling the IRS at 829-4933-. The process takes approximately five minutes.

Mailing Address: If the company is applying for certification as a State of Texas Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) or is currently certified as a HUB, the company’s mailing address must be located within Texas.

Phone and Fax Numbers: Provide the phone and fax numbers for the company’s primary location.

The address you provide is compared to a United States Postal database that standardizes your address. This insures you will receive all mailings from our office as quickly as possible.

Need Help?

Email the CMBL Help Desk or call 512-463-3459.