The Texas Prepaid Higher Education Tuition Board (Board) was established in the Office of the Comptroller of Public Accounts in 1995, to assist young Texans in obtaining a higher education. The Board administers the following State of Texas tax-advantaged plans and programs:
The Board also administers the Texas Save and Match Program, a savings match program to award scholarships from appropriated funds.
The Board consists of:
Appointed board members must possess knowledge, skill, and experience in higher education, business, or finance. Members serve for staggered six-year terms.
The Board holds regular quarterly meetings in the city of Austin and may hold other meetings at places and times scheduled by the Board in formal sessions and called by the Presiding Officer. Current board members* are:
*Members continue to serve until a replacement is appointed.
Minutes of board meetings held during the current fiscal year and immediately preceding fiscal year are available. Minutes of previous meetings are available by contacting the Comptroller’s Open Records office.
The Comptroller serves as presiding officer and executive director of the Board and the Comptroller has designated staff of the Comptroller’s Educational Opportunities and Investments Division to serve as staff of the Board.
More information on the college savings plans and Texas ABLE Program administered by the Board can be found at the Educational Opportunities and Investments site.
Enabling statutes of the plans and programs administered by the Board can be found in the Texas Education Code - Tuition and Fees.
The Administrative Rules governing the plans and programs administered by the Board can be found in the Texas Administrative Code - Public Finance on the Secretary of State's site.
The Board’s annual reports can be found at the Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan site.
Current and past open meetings of the Board can be found under Search Open Meetings on the Secretary of State's site.
The Sunset Advisory Commission Staff Report of the Board can be found at the Sunset Advisory Commission site.