Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Agency Type: Providing

Angelo State University

Electricity Image
Natural Gas Image
Water Image
Transportation Fuels Image
ALTERNATIVE FUELS Bio fuel, Natural Gas


For fiscal 2025, Angelo State University (ASU) has a large goal of upgrading the Central Plant. There are three main components to doing this. First, installation of an adiabatic cooling system to replace the original inefficient system we have that will greatly reduce the water usage and power used to cool that water. Second, replace the two large boilers that were originally steam boilers from 1987 that were retrofitted to water heating boilers in 2006 with four smaller condensate boilers. This will greatly improve efficiency of natural gas usage. Third, install automated flow control valves and new piping throughout the university's heating and cooling lines, allowing the precise control and flow rate of temperature-controlled water to coil units in various buildings. This will greatly improve the efficiency of heated and cooled water from the central plant in temperature controlling the buildings. This will also save on electricity, natural gas and water consumption.

The university continues to replace lighting with LED fixtures, cutting the electricity consumption from lighting by two-thirds. The university also continues its arrangement with CLEAResult, an energy performance firm contracted through AEP Texas and the SCORE Program, obtaining benchmarking reports and building modeling for proper paths to energy efficiency without spending additional state funding. They are currently involved in a Strategic Energy Management (SEM) Program with six buildings on campus to determine and implement the best practice around energy management, improve energy efficiency, and save time and money for the university's efforts.

Angelo State University has also recently entered an agreement with YearOut Energy to provide the EnergyCAP software system to the university and track utility usage and cost. This will provide a much more robust and timely reporting system on how the university is using its utilities.

For reporting purposes, energy units are converted to kBtu to allow for comparisons of electricity and natural gas usage. Goals and energy use are then stated in kBtu/sq. ft. to compare different years while our footprint changes. Estimated savings are based on energy consumption for the same time period from the stated year normalized to current energy costs and campus square footage. It does not take into consideration the climate difference between periods.

In fiscal 2024, the entire campus used 76.26 kBtu/sq. ft. That was a decrease of 2.85 percent from five years ago and a slight increase of 0.14 percent from our benchmark year of fiscal 2022. This overall increase still netted an estimated savings of $39,337 as compared to fiscal 2022 due to the 2.86 percent reduction in electricity usage.

In Table I, the campus energy use is broken down by utility type. The percent change column is the energy usage change from fiscal 2022 to 2024.

Table I: Campus Energy Use (kBtu/sq. ft.): Fiscal 2019-2024
Utility FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2022 FY 2024 Percent Change Estimated Savings
Electricity 59.17 54.26 54.96 53.39 Down 2.86% $53,921.45
Natural Gas 21.88 22.58 21.20 22.87 Up 7.91% ($14,584.12)
Total 81.05 76.85 76.16 76.26 Up 0.14% $39,337.33

In Table II, the campus energy is broken down to compare fiscal 2019 to fiscal 2024, a five year change; it shows an 2.85 percent decrease in overall kBtu usage per square foot. The savings is calculated from the usage change in the utility and the current price paid for that utility. The yearly cost savings, comparing fiscal 2019 to fiscal 2024, is estimated at $63,781, which mainly comes from the reduction in electricity.

Table II: Campus Energy Use (kBtu/sq. ft.): Change from Fiscal 2019-2024
Utility FY 2019 FY 2024 Percent Change Estimated Savings
Electricity 55.12 53.39 Down 3.13% $59,326.97
Natural Gas 23.39 22.87 Down 2.19% $4,454.36
Total 78.51 76.26 Down 2.85% $63,781.33


Angelo State University set a goal to reduce total electrical consumption by 0.75 percent for fiscal 2024, as compared to the benchmark year, with the goal of reducing the consumption by 6 percent by 2028. Table III below shows the kilowatt hours per square foot for the entire campus quarterly. This is all electrical usage whether it is in a building or on the grounds. It shows a 1.5 percent decrease for fiscal 2024 as compared to the benchmark year. The 15.65 kwh/sq. ft. is the third lowest number we have achieved in the 18 years of tracking this, only being surpassed by last year's 14.73 kwh/sq. ft. and fiscal 2021's 15.26 kwh/sq. ft. We keep thinking we will find a reporting error in the third quarter to explain the spike but have not. There continues to be an overall downward trend in the usage of electricity despite the new construction and movement to more energy consuming degree plans and departments.

Table III: Entire Campus Electricity Usage in kwh/sq. ft.
Fiscal Year Quarter FY 2006 FY 2010 FY 2015 FY 2020 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 Percent change from FY 2020
First Quarter 5.60 4.76 4.70 4.41 5.22 3.74 4.12 (6.58%)
Second Quarter 5.04 4.41 4.15 3.64 3.72 3.39 3.61 (0.82%)
Third Quarter 4.96 4.04 4.20 3.38 3.83 3.42 3.73 10.36%
Fourth Quarter 4.70 4.81 4.71 4.45 4.34 4.17 4.18 (6.07%)
Yearly Total 20.29 18.02 17.76 15.88 16.11 14.73 15.65 (1.45%)
Utility Conservation Goals
Utility Target Year Benchmark Year Percentage Goal
Water 2028 2022 6
Electricity 2028 2020 6
Transportation Fuels 2028 2022 6
Natural Gas 2028 2022 6


  1. Replace HVAC systems throughout dormitories with more efficient models, averaging 100 units year.
  2. Maintain consistent temperatures across campus and don't deviate to please individuals. The university has changed the original set points in order to save even more energy. For cooling, a set point of 74 degrees; for heating, a set point of 68 degrees.
  3. Eliminate personal space heaters.
  4. Closely monitor the utility meters for discrepancies and unexpected usage amounts. Verify anomalies and correct problems.
  5. Continually replace light fixtures with LED lighting to reduce electricity usage.
  6. Replace boilers and chillers in the Central Plant with more efficient units.
  7. Take advantage of programs like the SCORE Program that gives the university energy benchmarking reports on buildings to use in justifying needed expenditures in building improvements.
  8. Continue expanded use of lithium powered electric carts which lowers the dependency on gasoline powered vehicles.
  9. Use the EnergyCAP system to its full potential in assisting monitoring discrepancies in utility usage.


The implementation schedule for cost reduction is dependent on the availability of technicians to install cost reduction measures. As time permits and funding is available to purchase items that could result in cost saving measures, the university will take advantage and do so. The tracking of the measures implemented will be done by monitoring the utility usage for the area that the implementation took place. The newly installed EnergyCAP system should greatly improve our ability to monitor all utility usage.


Angelo State University has a $36 million CCAP funded upgrade to the Central Plant infrastructure planned in fiscal year 2025. The details of the project were mentioned in the Progress Report section.

Angelo State University continues to take advantage of rebates and electrical provider incentive programs to lower the cost of LED lighting technology that makes upgrading to LED lights more cost efficient than replacing broken bulbs/fixtures with old technology. ASU also replaces high utility use equipment with the most efficient/best value for the state. The lighting projects are completed as technicians have the time to do the work, so there is not a set dollar amount and parts are bought on an as-needed basis.


By informing and training personnel to turn off computers, monitors, printers and other energy using devices when not in use and overnight/weekends.

The Student Government Association has maintained a student-led energy conservation effort in the dormitories for the past 10 years. The program focuses upon teaching students to turn off lights, set the AC at reasonable temperatures and other simple energy saving steps that students can take. Essentially, it teaches them about how to be good stewards of their resources.

ASU publishes its energy report each year on the State Energy Conservation Program page of the university website.

Evaluate after-hours usage. Save energy by adjusting building operating hours to reflect actual tenant usage.

(Source: Building Owners and Managers Association International)

The inclusion of an entity's information here confirms that the Comptroller received the submitted information, but does not verify the accuracy of the data. Specific questions or concerns regarding an entity's energy planning and usage should be directed to that entity.

If you have any other questions, please contact us or call 512-463-1931.