Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Agency Type: Providing

Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

Electricity Image
Natural Gas Image
Water Image
Transportation Fuels Image
ALTERNATIVE FUELS Bio fuel, Natural Gas


  • The agency installed a dedicated air conditioning system for the computer
  • The agency had several additional thermostats installed in offices that previously shared the thermostat with the computer
  • The agency has replaced single pane windows with double pane windows on approximately 70% of the
  • The agency has re-sealed all windows in
  • The agency replaced all CRT computer monitors with flat panel
  • The soda machine was removed which reduces electrical
  • The refrigerator in the lunchroom was replaced with an energy saving
  • New water saving toilets were installed in all agency
  • All fluorescent lights and ballasts were replaced with high efficiency F-32 T-8 system. This project replaced 75-amp ballast with a 0.28-amp unit.
  • The air system ductwork was
  • The twenty-five-year-old main electrical panel was replaced with an updated
  • The landscape watering schedule was revised to reduce watering frequency and duration during high demand
  • The monthly thermostat monitoring schedule was
  • Regularly scheduled maintenance is performed on air conditioning and heating
  • Texas Energy Engineering Services (TEES) performed an energy audit and evaluated the building for thermal loss issues and the potential for solar power
  • The agency began participation in the Council on Competitive Government Statewide Management Services Project in cooperation with the State Energy Conservation Office (SECO). This includes utility tracking and recommendations for improvements by LPB Energy
  • The agency worked with City of Austin to replace main electric meter that was reporting erroneous
  • The agency replaced original flex duct from main trunk ducts to registers throughout the building and replaced all rooftop HVAC units with new, more efficient units at the end of first quarter
  • The agency has been following the City of Austin watering schedule for businesses due to continuing drought
  • For years 2012 - 2022, the agency achieved its goal of keeping total energy usage at least 5 percent less than the 2008
  • As part of the agency’s strategic plan implementation, a workgroup evaluated multiple components of the facility and made recommendations for future A tracking system for repairs and improvements was also created.
  • During fiscal 2015 and 2018, repairs were made to the irrigation system to help conserve water.
  • The single 40-gallon water heater used by the facility was replaced in 2016 with a new, more efficient unit.
  • Roof condition assessment completed by engineering firm in preparation for roof replacement.
  • During fiscal 2017, additional single pane windows were replaced with double pane insulated windows along the south wall of the building.
  • The entire roof of the building was replaced with a more insulated and durable material during the fourth quarter of 2017.
  • Additional exterior and interior spotlights and can lights were replaced with efficient LED lighting.


  • Goal One: Determine and implement all cost-effective energy and resource conservation measures that are compatible with the needs of the staff in the performance of their duties. Previously, the agency set a goal to reduce energy and resource use by 10percent over the fiscal 2004 through 2009 period. In fiscal 2010, executive management reviewed the agency resource usage history and set a new goal of a 5 percent reduction from a fiscal 2008 baseline during the fiscal 2010 through 2012 period. By the end of fiscal 2012, the agency had achieved its goal of keeping total energy usage 5 percent below the baseline and the agency goal for fiscal 2022 through 2023 will be to maintain at least a 5 percent reduction from the 2008 baseline. 

    Looking ahead to fiscal 2024 through 2025, the agency goal will be to maintain a 20 percent reduction in energy from the 2008 baseline. Based on the 2022 energy audit, the agency has about reached its most feasible energy conservation point.

    Fiscal 2019 total energy consumption was only 43 percent of the baseline of 2008. Fiscal 2020 total energy consumption exceeded the fiscal 2019 usage, but it is still less than half the 2008 amount.

    During fiscal 2021, overall energy consumption was significantly less than fiscal 2020, and 42 percent of total consumption in 2008.

    Fiscal 2022 total energy was only 49 percent of the baseline 2008 energy consumption. Overall energy consumption did exceed the fiscal 2021 amount by about 18percent.

    Goal Two: Develop and implement effective utility conservation staff awareness.

    In order to achieve savings, and to recognize additional opportunities for energy conservation, each staff person must be made aware and informed of how they can help and understand the advantage of their individual participation.

    Goal Three: Develop and implement a utility consumption and cost tracking system.

Utility Conservation Goals
Utility Target Year Benchmark Year Percentage Goal
Water 2024 2008 0.2
Electricity 2024 FY2020 0.2
Transportation Fuels Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable.
Natural Gas 2024 2008 0.2


  • In order to decrease energy and resource consumption by 5% the following energy saving and resource reduction measures will be implemented:

    • Track the energy usage after installation of new fluorescent lights and ballasts (high efficiency F-32 T-8 system). We anticipate an annual reduction in lighting power consumption of 15% to 20%.
    • Track energy savings after replacement of 70% of agency windows with double-pane windows and installation of window film in several In addition, all windows were re-sealed in FY 2008.
    • At the end of the workday, turn off all computers or have all computers go into system
    • Track the energy usage after replacement of CRT screens with flat screen monitors for all workstations in We anticipate a 30% reduction in monitor power consumption.
    • Track water usage after revising landscape watering schedule to comply with City of Austin restriction and monitoring rain amounts. We anticipate a 20% reduction in water
    • Agency arranged an energy audit through the State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) with Texas Energy Engineering Meetings, initial inspection, and report was completed in FY 2008.
    • Agency requested quotes for a long-term plan to complete replacement of agency windows with double-pane
    • Agency replaced original flex duct from main trunk ducts to registers throughout the building and replaced all rooftop HVAC units with new, more efficient units at the end of first quarter
    • Use the new HVAC system to maintain a constant temperature throughout the building and program the system to run less during unoccupied
    • Agency replaced the roof of the entire building with a new insulated roofing system in December 2017.
    • Agency arranged two energy audits through the State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) with Texas Energy Engineering Meetings, initial inspection, and report was completed in FY 2022.


  • The following actions and schedule will be used:

    Continue to monitor operations that affect energy and resource use and make recommended changes as needed.

    Continue to determine equipment needs that will improve energy efficiency and resource utilization and recommend an implementation schedule based upon financial resources as needed.

    Monitoring Strategy:

    The monthly costs and use of electricity, gas, and water will be checked quarterly and compared to the base year of fiscal 2008 to determine if progress is being made to meet planned efficiencies. It must be noted that while usage rates may drop due to efficiencies and improvements, overall costs may increase due to rising energy costs. Costs and usage rates are tracked by the agency. A team of agency staff evaluated all components of the facility to create a tracking system of all repairs and to recommend future improvements to the facility.


The primary financing for the identification and implementation of energy conservation measures will be through inclusion in the yearly budget. Since the agency is part of the SDSI project, the agency is tasked with operating like a business. All reductions in energy and resource consumption will positively affect the operations and budget of the agency. Energy consumption will continue to be tracked monthly.


The agency will include both direct and indirect awareness in the development of its UAP. We support the efforts of State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) regarding energy efficiency awareness.

The intent of direct awareness activities is to bring about an appropriate culture change whereby informed staff not only act in prescribed ways to conserve energy, but also become encouraged and facilitated to be proactive in their own ongoing discovery of new energy and resource conservation opportunities. Various means to foster and reward this incentive will be explored, including appropriate forms of recognition.

In addition to utility awareness, the agency also has implemented a recycling program. During fical 2009 the agency began utilizing single-stream recycling, encouraging staff to recycle all metals, plastic, or glass. In addition, the agency recycles all used paper products.

Change incandescent lights to compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) and high-intensity discharge (HID) lights. CFLs use less energy, have a longer lamp life and reduce heat load. Check lighting in offices, rest rooms, closets, server rooms and common areas. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 provides a tax deduction, up to 60 cents per square foot (psf), for lighting retrofits and upgrades that meet energy-efficiency requirements.

(Source: Building Owners and Managers Association International)

The inclusion of an entity's information here confirms that the Comptroller received the submitted information, but does not verify the accuracy of the data. Specific questions or concerns regarding an entity's energy planning and usage should be directed to that entity.

If you have any other questions, please contact us or call 512-463-1931.