Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Agency Type: Tenant

Texas A&M Transportation Institute

Electricity Image
Natural Gas Image
Water Image
Transportation Fuels Image
ALTERNATIVE FUELS Bio fuel, Natural Gas


Please reference the Energy and Water Management Plan for Texas A&M University (TAMU) submitted by TAMU Utilities and Energy Services.


The Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) is committed to ensuring our employees are aware of and actively participate in utility conservation and management measures. We all have a responsibility to conserve resources and minimize costs associated with utility services.

You can help:

  1. Turn off lights when out of the work area for ten minutes or more.
  2. Turn off lights and equipment when leaving a conference room.
  3. Turn off computers, monitors, printers, copiers and other nonessential electrical items when leaving for the day.
  4. Always turn off and unplug unattended coffee pots and other appliances with heat sources.
  5. Close window blinds, as necessary, to reduce heat and glare from the sun.
  6. Do not prop open exterior doors or windows.
  7. Do not engage in "thermostat wars." It is important that temperatures are maintained. If you tend to run cold, consider wearing a lightweight sweater while working in certain areas.
  8. Immediately report maintenance items to your respective building contact. In College Station, report to Facilities, Safety and Support Services at 979-317-2100. Urban research offices should report items to their respective building contact. Some items to include are:
  9. Water leaks.
  10. Air leaks around doors or windows.
  11. Lighting problems (flickering or burned-out bulbs).
  12. Room temperature problems.
  13. Faulty restroom fixtures (leaks, flushing, etc.).
  14. Insect problems (they can eat away sheetrock around utility pipes, etc.).
  15. Any item of concern that affects our facility and your work environment.

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this important matter. Everyone has a vital role in resource conservation.

Install monitor power-management software. U.S. companies waste more than $1 billion annually on electricity for computer monitors that are not in use. Install power-management software for computer monitors, central processing units (CPUs) and hard drives to save on electricity costs.

(Source: Building Owners and Managers Association International)

The inclusion of an entity's information here confirms that the Comptroller received the submitted information, but does not verify the accuracy of the data. Specific questions or concerns regarding an entity's energy planning and usage should be directed to that entity.

If you have any other questions, please contact us or call 512-463-1931.