Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Agency Type: Providing

Texas Facilities Commission

Electricity Image
Natural Gas Image
Water Image
Transportation Fuels Image
ALTERNATIVE FUELS Bio fuel, Natural Gas


For the last few years, the Texas Facilities Commission (TFC) Office of Energy Management has relied on energy performance contracting projects to reduce energy and utility usage in various TFC facilities. We have already completed two projects, Phases I and II, in a total of 1.8 million square feet of facilities. These projects will save TFC more than $700,000 per year in utility costs. Also, we are about to finish another two projects, Phases III and IV, in another 2.8 million square feet of facilities. These projects will generate around $600,000 in utility savings as well. TFC is starting work on Phases V and VI. Energy performance contracting with SECO funding is the main vehicle we are using to conduct energy saving work. By the end of 2024 or middle of 2025, we expect to have completed all low-hanging fruit energy projects (including transitioning to LED lighting in almost all of our facilities, over 12 million square feet) in our facilities. TFC has been working on energy efficiency full force for more than a decade and has seen major results, including reducing utility costs by $3 million per year compared to a decade ago.


Our realistic goal is to reduce all utility usage by 2 percent per year.

Utility Conservation Goals
Utility Target Year Benchmark Year Percentage Goal
Water 2025 2020 10
Electricity 2025 2020 10
Transportation Fuels 2025 2020 10
Natural Gas 2025 2020 10


TFC is concentrating on using energy performance contracting delivery methods to implement energy saving projects. TFC uses SECO LoanSTAR programs for the main funding source; all energy projects are self-funded.


The TFC Office of Energy Management's goal is to conduct at least one pass of audits and energy performance contracting in all TFC managed facilities by the end of calendar year 2025, then go back for another pass. We will replace almost all existing lighting to LED technology by the end of 2025.


All energy projects all self-funded using SECO LoanSTAR programs. No taxpayer funding is used for our energy projects.


We currently do not have staffing for active employee awareness programs, but we are working with our property manager to inform our tenants of energy saving strategies.

Use equipment as designed. Regularly check that equipment and controls function as designed. Also double-check that operations are optimized in your Energy Management System (EMS) programming.

(Source: Building Owners and Managers Association International)

The inclusion of an entity's information here confirms that the Comptroller received the submitted information, but does not verify the accuracy of the data. Specific questions or concerns regarding an entity's energy planning and usage should be directed to that entity.

If you have any other questions, please contact us or call 512-463-1931.