Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Agency Type: Providing

Texas State University

Electricity Image
Natural Gas Image
Water Image
Transportation Fuels Image
ALTERNATIVE FUELS Bio fuel, Natural Gas


Texas State University (TXST) is continually working to advance our efforts in utility conservation. This includes ongoing audits and projects that help improve building operations, comfort and efficiency.

  1. TXST began work on a new University Master Plan in fiscal year 2024 and will continue advancement of the plan into fiscal year 2025. This will help identify opportunities for consideration in enhancement of campus utility efficiency, conservation and resiliency, which will be evaluated, prioritized and implemented by TXST as resources become available.
  2. TXST continues to work toward enhancing campus sub-metering. This ongoing effort allows us to examine consumption at a more granular level and will continue into fiscal year 2025.
  3. TXST has contracted services to develop design specifications for upgrading the Direct Digital Control (DDC) system of our central chiller plant. This upgrade involves replacing old, obsolete controllers with new, faster controllers that have greater capacities, adding new automatic sequencing, and improved metering. After these upgrades are implemented, we anticipate that the central plant operations will function automatically and with optimal efficiency.
  4. TXST is working to further develop our utility data system in order to identify inefficiencies at the building level more effectively. This ongoing project will continue implementation through fiscal year 2025.
  5. At the TXST Round Rock Campus, Dynamic Variable Air Volume Optimization (DVO) systems were installed to maximize efficiency and maintain facility comfort. Energy savings efforts were evaluated independently in fiscal year 2023 and verified as part of a pilot utility incentive program.
  6. On the San Marcos campus, we continued to implement efficiency upgrades in fiscal year 2024 including window glazing and roof replacements.
  7. In fiscal year 2025, we will continue installation of indoor lighting upgrades, outdoor lighting upgrades, roof replacements, HVAC controls improvements and HVAC replacements.
  8. TXST is in the final stages of installing an Economizer on one of the boiler systems in the central plant with funding assistance from the State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) LoanStar Loan program. The system will be operational in late fall of 2024.

TXST maintains a Water Management Plan and is available for the public to access on the TXST website.

The Water Management Plan establishes policy and procedures for water use on campus, including irrigation standards and water conservation practices.

TXST maintains a Fleet Management Plan and is available for the public to access on the TXST website.

The Fleet Management Plan establishes policy and procedures for TXST vehicles, including acquisition, maintenance, responsibilities and disposal. Fuel data is provided through alternative state reporting methods.


Since 2012, TXST has continued to work toward the goal of reducing annual natural gas and electricity consumption by 5 percent. The conservation goal to "decrease energy use on a square foot basis at a rate of 5 percent annually"was established in the Finance and Support Division Administrative Support Plan 2017-2023. This plan has been replaced by several more specific individual operational policies, but conservation remains a top priority. TXST continues to work towards decreasing our electricity and natural gas usage with a goal to decrease consumption on a square foot basis by 5 percent from our 2020 baseline year.

TXST established a new benchmark year in fiscal year 2020. Although we were able to meet our 5 percent electricity reduction goal in fiscal year 2021, this proved to be more challenging in fiscal year 2022 and 2023. In fiscal year 2024, we were able to exceed our reduction goal to achieve a 9 percent reduction in electricity use from 2020 levels. We saw a less significant reduction in both natural gas (0.5 percent reduction) and a slight increase in water use (1.9 percent increase) than in the previous year. TXST is looking broadly at opportunities to improve operations that we believe will help us meet our utility savings goals moving forward. As we work toward meeting new conservation challenges, we would like to note that TXST has met its previous 5 percent reduction goals when compared to the previously set fiscal year 2012 baseline.

Vehicular fuel data is provided through alternative state reporting methods.

Utility Conservation Goals
Utility Target Year Benchmark Year Percentage Goal
Water 2027 2020 5
Electricity 2027 2020 5
Transportation Fuels 2027 2020 5
Natural Gas 2027 2020 5


TXST plans to use a combination of internal staffing along with outside contractors to implement cost effective

utility efficiency measures.

When internal staff lack the time or expertise to conduct work, contractors will be used to repair (physical) systems across campus.

All new buildings are required to be designed and constructed to the latest SECO Energy and Water standards including 2018 International Energy Conservation Code and a minimum of LEED Silver construction standards.

TXST will follow the utility masterplan to evaluate and prioritize cost effective utility efficiency measures.


TXST has a goal to complete updates to Building Automation System software and sub-metering installations across the campus in fiscal year 2025. This will support the broader implementation of efficiency upgrades, enhancing our ability to monitor, measure and track utility consumption. Additionally, utility efficiency related upgrades and repairs are being made on an ongoing basis, which include both regular maintenance and large capital projects as described in the "Progress Report"section of this document.


Most retrofit projects that have an energy efficiency component will be funded through the Higher Education Fund. The exception will be the Economizer installation for a Gas Boiler at Central Plant, which is being funded through LoanStar loan funding.

Vehicles will be replaced with more fuel-efficient alternatives, and when feasible, alternative fuel vehicles.


The TXST Energy Conservation Committee meets annually. Members of the committee represent stakeholders across campus including staff, faculty and student populations. Information is provided regarding efficiency efforts being implemented, future actions and discussion of needs and possible investments or actions moving forward. Occasionally, campus-wide emails are sent to notify occupants of specific calls for energy or water conservation. Additionally, the Office of Sustainability maintains a website with pages dedicated to energy and water conservation tips, current drought information, and conservation strategies for students, staff and faculty while they are on and off campus.

Change incandescent lights to compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) and high-intensity discharge (HID) lights. CFLs use less energy, have a longer lamp life and reduce heat load. Check lighting in offices, rest rooms, closets, server rooms and common areas. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 provides a tax deduction, up to 60 cents per square foot (psf), for lighting retrofits and upgrades that meet energy-efficiency requirements.

(Source: Building Owners and Managers Association International)

The inclusion of an entity's information here confirms that the Comptroller received the submitted information, but does not verify the accuracy of the data. Specific questions or concerns regarding an entity's energy planning and usage should be directed to that entity.

If you have any other questions, please contact us or call 512-463-1931.