Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Agency Type: Providing

University of North Texas

Electricity Image
Natural Gas Image
Water Image
Transportation Fuels Image
ALTERNATIVE FUELS Bio fuel, Natural Gas


University of North Texas (UNT) monitors electric, water, sewer, irrigation and natural gas consumption on a routine basis. In addition, UNT uses the Source Energy Use Index (EUIs) as an indicator to compare overall performance of the university’s usage.

The fiscal 2018 sources EUI for the campus was 203.4 kBTU/ft2 and for fiscal 2022 173.7 or a reduction of 14.60 percent. Similar success can be seen in the overall energy consumption as compared to the campus size, UNT continues to grow as a campus and has seen significant increase in water usage. Since 2010, UNT has acquired a total of one million square foot of land with a total of 7,886,861 GSF.

SMART energy metering device and Energy Monitoring infrastructure with Schneider is being implemented by UNT across campus to enable accurate calculation of cost and provide previously unavailable transparency into energy usage.

UNT has several major MEP renovations in progress since 2021 which will upgrade equipment and are projected to generate energy savings. Specific building that went under major MEP renovation was Terrill Hall, Curry Hall, Coliseum MEP, Clark Hall MEP and Crumley MEP. These major MEP renovations are not replacements nor completely under Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs); however, we do expect 30% cost savings.

Energy measures such as LED lighting upgrade, envelope repairs and window replacement are being implemented throughout UNT Campus.


UNT has set benchmark year as 2018. UNT will target one percent reduction each year for energy use index and energy cost intensity throughout the campus. Since 2018, UNT has seen significant reduction on overall EUI and ECI, a total reduction of 15 percent for all utilities combined.

Utility Conservation Goals
Utility Target Year Benchmark Year Percentage Goal
Water FY2025 FY2018 1%, per year
Electricity FY2025 FY2018 1%, per year
Transportation Fuels FY2025 FY2018 1%, per year
Natural Gas FY2025 FY2018 1%, per year


UNT is currently working on Campus Utility Master Plan which will include major infrastructure improvement plans and replacements that are required over the next 10 years. UNT has signed a service agreement with Schneider for Building Automation System (BAS) ensuring to maintain building environmental conditions and energy conservation.

In addition to identifying opportunities to improve operating efficiency of building HVAC, lighting system and exterior envelope repairs, UNT is programming to replace and upgrade all high mast exterior lighting to LED to ensure safety with improved energy savings.

UNT uses EnergyCAP platform to track all utility cost by building, by vendor and by customer across campuses. In addition, UNT uses Schneider Power Monitoring Expert system to make data from all meter across campus available in real-time to provide feedback to technicians when make improvements.

UNT campus continues to work on sizing the fleet by working with departments to replace older vehicles and assist departments in finding replacement vehicles that not only fit the need but also have better fuel economy. It is recommended to replace the fleet fuel vehicles with electric and hybrid vehicles when applicable.


UNT keep performing major MEP renovation through Capital Improvement Program and will continue every year in the five year forecast. See below for timeline and funding. UNT has installed meters on all buildings and monitors/record the energy and water consumption in all buildings across campus. On a monthly basis, this consumption is compared to baseline benchmark year for the building to find any deviations from it. Furthermore, the entire campus consumption is billed to E&G and then chargeback internally to various stakeholder such as Auxiliary, or Agency Function housed in the space to ensure not only proper cost recovery but also to raise awareness of the cost to operate the facility and allow for needed tuning and adjustment.


UNT has leveraged Capital Improvement Program to increase overall efficiency of the buildings across campus. Following are the list of upcoming improvement projects:

  • Science Research Building Renovation – $17 million– fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2023 – Revenue Financing System Bonds.
  • Clark Hall MEP Renovation - $4 million – fiscal 2022 through fiscal 2025 – Auxiliary Funds.
  • Curry Hall MEP Renovation – $7.4 million – fiscal 2022 – Higher Education Funds.
  • Campus Lighting Upgrades - $3.2 million – fiscal 2022 through fiscal 2024 – Higher Education Funds.
  • Chilton Hall Exterior Envelope - $4 million – fiscal 2023 – Higher Education Funds.

New Construction

  • Science & Tech Research building - $103.4 million – fiscal 2023 through fiscal 2028 – Capital Construction Assistance Project Bond.


  • UNT released a University Policy on Energy Use in fiscal 2020 and will continue educating the campus through the university’s marketing and communication team.
  • Building representatives will be informed of potential cost saving measures through proper channel.
  • Facilities management employees will be trained on energy conservation measures that they can take in their workplace.

Evaluate after-hours usage. Save energy by adjusting building operating hours to reflect actual tenant usage.

(Source: Building Owners and Managers Association International)

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If you have any other questions, please contact us or call 512-463-1931.