Electrical usage was down 8 percent from fiscal 2023 to fiscal 2024. Natural Gas has increased by 21 percent from fiscal 2023 to fiscal 2024; this was due to the addition on two new boilers in the IREB Building. Water and sewer was up 25 percent from fiscal 2023 to fiscal 2024; this was due to the addition of three new cooling towers and East Campus chill water lines. The two 18-inch lines were flushed with chemicals and city water.
Goals are set in next section.
Utility | Target Year | Benchmark Year | Percentage Goal |
Water | 2025 | 2023 | 1 |
Electricity | 2025 | 2020 | 1 |
Transportation Fuels | 2025 | 2023 | 1 |
Natural Gas | 2025 | 2024 | 1 |
CBH Building
- Four hot water boilers are being upgraded with new high efficiency burners and controls optimization.
- All Phoenix Laboratory control valves are being upgraded, with two floors switching from pneumatic to electronic.
- The domestic water skid is being upgraded for efficiency.
Lewis Library
- AHU#7 and two floors of variable air volumes are being replaced and upgraded controls installed.
RES Building
- AHU#5 is being replaced and new controls added.
- The laboratory exhaust system is being upgraded with new variable frequency drives and controls.
All cost-reduction measures will be finished by the end of fiscal 2025. Utility monitoring will be done through the Schneider Controls Systems along with PowerLogic metering and data from EnergyCAP.
All projects are funded with higher education funds except LIB AHU#7, which is funded through CCAP.
Vice President of Facilities Services Seth Willmoth has taken an active role in making university faculty and staff aware of utility conservation efforts. Campus-wide notices have been sent out reminding personnel to turn off computers when not in use as well as lights when leaving conference rooms, offices, labs, classrooms, etc. Occupancy sensors have been placed in all offices, public restrooms, corridors and applicable conference rooms. Notices have been sent out instructing faculty and staff not to prop open exterior doors.
The University of North Texas Health Science Center (UNTHSC) Office of Sustainability has introduced a new program called Lab Efficiency Action Program (LEAP). It is a new incentive program encouraging labs to be more sustainable through efficiency, conservation, safety and collaboration. LEAP is a voluntary program where laboratories earn points for operating in ways that accomplish program goals. Labs are provided with a checklist of credits from six different categories such as energy efficiency and waste reduction. Once the points are tallied, labs get certified in one of four levels. Based on the earned certification, the lab will be awarded a $500 to $3,000 grant.
The Sustainable Office Certification (SOC) is a new program through HSC Sustainability, a student-funded initiative through Facilities Management. SOC highlights sustainable practices in office environments and offers a framework with resources to implement them. Offices are recognized and awarded based on the number of actions they complete. The program aims to realize operational cost savings through reduced resource consumption and improved operational efficiencies; promote practices that reduces waste and encourages sustainable purchasing; and support employee well-being by providing healthier products and opportunities for movement.