Fund or Account Number | Fund or Account | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 |
* Excludes certain local funds that are appropriated but not deposited in the State Treasury. Includes certain state revenues that are deposited in the State Treasury but not appropriated. Excludes federal income.
6 | State Highway Fund | $3,600,941 | $3,590,950 | $3,687,223 |
11 | Available University Fund | 417,440 | 461,230 | 501,294 |
193 | Recapture–Education Code Chapter 41, Subchapter D | 329,042 | 242,388 | 254,039 |
304 | Property Tax Relief Fund | 512,187 | 3,719,279 | 3,846,492 |
365 | Texas Mobility Fund | 148,774 | 272,764 | 377,642 |
573 | Judicial Fund | 56,665 | 55,427 | 56,111 |
Disproportionate Share Revenue/State & Local Hospitals | 1,264,994 | 1,209,738 | 1,209,738 | |
Appropriated Receipts | 527,855 | 408,766 | 411,028 | |
Other Funds | 1,630,739 | 1,989,787 | 2,241,708 | |
Total Estimated Other Funds Revenue * | $8,488,637 | $11,950,329 | $12,585,275 |
Note: Totals may not sum because of rounding.
SOURCE: Susan Combs, Texas Comptroller