
Biennial Revenue Estimate 2010-2011

State Revenue, By Source and Biennium General Revenue-Related

Thousands of Dollars
Tax Collections 2006-07
2008-09 Estimated 2010-11 Estimated
Sales Tax $38,384,189 $43,127,662 $44,361,682
Motor Vehicle Sales and Rental Taxes $6,361,301 $5,906,469 $5,523,887
Motor Fuels Taxes $1,614,999 $1,658,053 $1,715,832
Franchise Tax $5,749,507 $5,647,884 $5,264,834
Insurance Taxes $2,577,943 $2,705,638 $2,570,880
Natural Gas Tax $4,234,635 $4,512,485 $3,317,958
Cigarette and Tobacco Taxes $1,163,897 $1,090,260 $1,058,299
Alcoholic Beverage Taxes $1,412,425 $1,571,753 $1,615,874
Oil Production and Regulation Taxes $1,697,386 $2,154,156 $1,221,992
Inheritance Tax $18,651 $6,580 0
Utility Taxes $986,862 $995,315 $982,690
Hotel Occupancy Tax $648,653 $732,902 $746,638
Other Taxes $148,066 $156,547 $146,406
Total Tax Collections $64,998,515 $70,265,704 $68,526,972
Thousands of Dollars
Revenue By Source 2008 Actual 2009 Estimated 2010 Estimated
Tax Collections $64,998,515 $70,265,704 $68,526,972
Licenses, Fees, Fines, and Penalties $2,645,264 $2,677,888 $2,256,451
Interest and Investment Income $1,989,918 $1,665,789 $176,711
Lottery Proceeds $2,061,480 $1,942,707 $1,881,822
Sales of Goods & Services $193,015 $209,081 $206,368
Settlements of Claims $1,070,614 $1,067,658 $1,013,233
Land Income $19,428 $16,668 $16,012
Contributions to Employee Benefits $458,787 $15,191 $342
Other Revenue $2,500,366 $2,626,150 $2,613,223
Total Net Revenue $75,937,386 $80,486,835 $76,691,134

SOURCE: Susan Combs, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.