
Biennial Revenue Estimate 2010-2011

State Revenue, By Source and Biennium All Funds, Excluding Trust Funds

Thousands of Dollars
Tax Collections 2006-07
2008-09 Estimated 2010-11 Estimated
Sales Tax $38,545,686 $43,303,914 $44,536,655
Motor Vehicle Sales and Rental Taxes $6,400,750 $5,953,739 $5,570,865
Motor Fuels Taxes $6,047,382 $6,205,845 $6,332,110
Franchise Tax $5,749,507 $8,812,518 $8,880,706
Insurance Taxes $2,580,070 $2,708,248 $2,573,480
Natural Gas Tax $4,234,635 $4,512,485 $3,317,958
Cigarette and Tobacco Taxes $1,879,943 $2,992,801 $2,876,368
Alcoholic Beverage Taxes $1,412,425 $1,571,753 $1,615,874
Oil Production and Regulation Taxes $1,697,386 $2,154,156 $1,221,992
Inheritance Tax $18,651 $6,580 0
Utility Taxes $986,862 $995,315 $982,690
Hotel Occupancy Tax $648,653 $732,902 $746,638
Other Taxes $298,176 $336,417 $332,790
Total Tax Collections $70,500,127 $80,286,671 $78,988,126
Thousands of Dollars
Revenue By Source 2008 Actual 2009 Estimated 2010 Estimated
Tax Collections $70,500,127 $80,286,671 $78,988,126
Federal Income $49,102,506 $54,233,339 $55,128,019
Licenses, Fees, Fines, and Penalties $12,913,360 $17,061,164 $13,571,825
Interest and Investment Income $4,322,208 $4,677,618 $6,562,744
Lottery Proceeds $3,137,157 $3,162,488 $3,073,751
Sales of Goods & Services $1,031,274 $970,363 $986,727
Settlements of Claims $1,083,516 $1,073,289 $1,017,683
Land Income $1,612,114 $1,982,918 $1,740,459
Contributions to Employee Benefits $458,811 $15,191 $342
Other Revenue $5,449,167 $6,429,962 $6,615,947
Total Net Revenue $149,610,241 $169,893,002 $167,685,623

SOURCE: Susan Combs, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.