
Biennial Revenue Estimate 2010-2011

Estimated All Funds Revenue, Excluding Trust Funds*

Thousands of Dollars
Source 2009 2010 2011
General Revenue-Related $38,817,388 $37,531,486 $39,159,648
General Revenue-Dedicated $3,025,569 $3,086,220 $3,114,145
Federal Income $27,995,011 $27,578,655 $27,549,364
Other Funds $13,072,009 $14,675,438 $14,990,667
Total Estimated All Funds Revenue $82,909,977 $82,871,799 $84,813,824

* Excludes certain local funds that are appropriated but not deposited in the State Treasury. Includes certain state revenues that are deposited in the State Treasury but not appropriated. Excludes federal income.

Note: Totals may not sum because of rounding.

SOURCE: Susan Combs, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.