
Certification Revenue Estimate 2012-13

Table 2 – General Revenue-Related Spending, 2012-13 Biennium

Expenditure Millions of Dollars
General Appropriations Act* $80,466
Method of Finance Reclassifications and Other Adjustments, net** -$617
Emergency Appropriations and Reductions, and Other Legislation Making Appropriations, net*** $1,202
Total $81,051

* Conference Committee Report for HB 1, Regular Session, 82nd Legislative Session

** Includes net amounts associated with SB 2, 1st Called Session, 82nd Legislative Session, related to appropriations originally made in HB 1, removed, then subsequently reappropriated in SB 2.

*** Includes appropriations made in HB 4, HB 3647, Regular Session, 82nd Legislative Session and Sec. 18.55, General Appropriation Act, 2012-2013, items (1) - (4). Disbursement of items (1) - (4) is assumed to occur in fiscal 2013 upon certification at that time of sufficient available revenue.

Note: Totals may not sum because of rounding.
SOURCE: Susan Combs, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.