taxes Property Tax Assistance

2016 Field Studies Category Worksheet

178-902/Bishop CISD

Category A - Stratum 2
$ 39,676 - $ 76,115

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
BISHOP TS S 120 OF LT 13 194787 74,961 60,187 1.2455
BISHOP T/S LTS 13 & 14 BL 194842 60,000 48,000 1.2500
BISHOP T/S .384 ACS OF LT 194843 64,000 65,000 0.9846
TRUE BISHOP B5 L6 200045353 57,444 58,438 0.9830
TRUE-BISHOP LT 3 & E30 LT 200057312 50,981 65,000 0.7843
GOLDEN ACRES UNREC PT L12 200075339 55,883 57,241 0.9763
ROBERT AND WHITE HOFFMANP 292866 75,176 64,444 1.1665
ROBERTS AND WHITE HOFFMAN 292876 40,443 42,000 0.9629
ROBERT AND WHITE B9 L 560 292939 69,365 64,134 1.0816
WEST END BISHOPPT L 9-11 316524 58,909 54,420 1.0825
TIERRA GRANDE UNREC L2 B5 513763 44,826 50,801 0.8824
Stratum 2 Totals   651,988 629,665 1.0355

Category A - Stratum 3
$ 76,116 - $ 115,027

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
BISHOP T/S LTS 4, 5 & E/2 195093 98,405 82,750 1.1892
BISHOP F Z PALO ALTO 5 AC 195815 107,982 109,560 0.9856
BISHOP OUTLOTS .284 AC OU 196011 111,845 85,000 1.3158
THOMPSONS CORNER BLK 2 LO 200042281 102,098 103,098 0.9903
TRUE REPLAT - BISHOP BLK 200045198 91,565 83,460 1.0971
TRUE-BISHOP E15' LT 25 & 200045250 113,124 109,709 1.0311
TRUE-BISHOP W59' OF LT 24 200045390 100,831 87,505 1.1523
TRUE-BISHOP E40' LT 19 & 200045410 86,210 75,000 1.1495
WENTZ-BISHOP .2156 AC OUT 200057026 98,830 95,000 1.0403
BISHOP F Z .89 AC OUT OF 200085242 89,870 83,460 1.0768
BROWN-BISHOP E10' LT 11 & 202637 86,647 75,000 1.1553
TRUE - BISHOP BLK 5 LOT 2 311654 89,128 79,900 1.1155
Stratum 3 Totals   1,176,535 1,069,442 1.1001

Category A - Stratum 4
$ 115,028 - $ 179,910

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
BISHOP T/S BLK 1 LOT 1 TH 194741 164,847 132,795 1.2414
LONDON COMMUNITY AC #2 UN 200114912 131,196 103,788 1.2641
BROADMOOR #3 BLK 11 L 9 201040 156,491 141,107 1.1090
BROADMOOR #3-BISHOP LT 17 201066 149,276 121,600 1.2276
BRUSHY CREEK LT 10 202777 175,360 132,500 1.3235
LESLIE PARK-BISHOP LT 1 258201 127,789 133,000 0.9608
MORNINGSIDE #1 - BISHOP B 269636 144,548 150,000 0.9637
PARK-BISHOP LTS 9 & 10 & 280678 139,025 139,000 1.0002
ROBERTS AND WHITE HOFFMAN 292871 144,916 160,000 0.9057
ROBERTS AND WHITE HOFFMAN 292936 124,571 124,000 1.0046
Stratum 4 Totals   1,458,019 1,337,790 1.0899

Category A - Stratum 5
$ 179,911 - $999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
ROBERTS AND WHITE HOFFMAN 200080654 385,008 480,000 0.8021
BISHOP OUTLOTS 1.076 ACS 200100306 356,027 350,000 1.0172
ROYAL ESTATES BLK 4 LOT 1 200103870 299,025 283,000 1.0566
SANTA MARIA ACRES BLK 1 L 200109788 360,000 371,880 0.9681
SANTA MARIA ACRES BLK 2 L 200109830 263,492 475,000 0.5547
SANTA MARIA ACRES BLK21 L 200109838 297,640 255,000 1.1672
SANTA MARIA ACRES BLK 2 L 200109864 250,293 260,000 0.9627
SANTA MARIA ACRES BLK 3 L 200109880 230,000 230,000 1.0000
LONDON COMMUNITY AC #2 UN 261294 417,715 420,000 0.9946
MICHALK-BISHOP 3 ACS OUT 267140 259,190 200,000 1.2960
BRANIGAR BROTHERS 10.01 A 378134 339,476 355,000 0.9563
Stratum 5 Totals   3,457,866 3,679,880 0.9397

Category A - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
1 U 0 253 0 0 5,469,084 5,469,084  
2 R 11 432 651,988 629,665 26,167,374 1.0355 25,270,279  
3 R 12 587 1,176,535 1,069,442 55,491,382 1.1001 50,442,125  
4 R 10 424 1,458,019 1,337,790 59,182,621 1.0899 54,300,964  
5 R 11 200 3,457,866 3,679,880 50,223,563 0.9397 53,446,380  
Total   44 1,896 6,744,408 6,716,777 196,534,024   188,928,832 1.0403

Category E - Stratum 0
$ 1 - $999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
BISHOP F Z 1 ACS OUT S PT 195343 150,000 160,092 0.9370
BISHOP F Z ACS OF E2 SEC 195475 5,373 5,325 1.0090
BISHOP F Z ACS OF E2 OD N 195529 78,610 136,000 0.5780
BISHOP F Z OUT OF SW4 SEC 195535 44,036 41,025 1.0734
BISHOP F Z WEIL RANCH BLK 195908 113,699 92,360 1.2310
BISHOP F Z WEIL RANCH 1 A 195950 2,630 2,000 1.3150
BISHOP OUTLOTS ACS OF L1- 195966 1,800 1,775 1.0141
HUNT AND HARRELL BISHOP A 200075508 118,758 155,554 0.7635
ROYAL ESTATES B5 L1 200103874 304,281 269,638 1.1285
BISHOP F Z BLK 116 1.0 200113444 426,689 425,000 1.0040
PAUL G H 1 AC OF S2 OF NW 282754 117,675 105,036 1.1203
ROBERTS AND WHITE HOFFMA 292827 30,814 39,827 0.7737
ROBERTS AND WHITE HOFFMAN 292854 36,889 48,258 0.7644
RPBERTS AND WHITE BLK10 292967 61,107 69,819 0.8752
BISHOP F Z WEIL RANCH QO 377747 66,000 75,000 0.8800
PETRONILLA GRANT ACS OF S 378166 112,302 91,875 1.2223
LAURELES FARM TRACTS 5.15 507018 132,336 140,000 0.9453
Stratum 0 Totals   1,802,999 1,858,584 0.9701

Category E - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
0 R 17 301 1,802,999 1,858,584 25,263,283 0.9701 26,041,937  
Total   17 301 1,802,999 1,858,584 25,263,283   26,041,937 0.9701

Category L1 - Stratum 2
$ 25,001 - $ 155,269

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
BPP 155365 46,004 40,473 1.1367
LEASED VEHICLES 200023129 108,284 117,709 0.9199
BPP 200045134 101,300 91,324 1.1092
LEASED VEHICLE 200052822 77,858 79,941 0.9739
BPP 200104385 33,258 32,654 1.0185
BPP 200108825 30,541 34,628 0.8820
LEASED EQUIPMENT 528171 147,420 157,022 0.9388
BPP 533428 47,875 50,831 0.9418
Stratum 2 Totals   592,540 604,582 0.9801

Category L1 - Stratum 3
$ 155,270 - $ 589,139

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
BPP 200040722 198,021 192,261 1.0300
BPP 200041404 172,518 181,254 0.9518
BPP 200098573 165,766 162,012 1.0232
BPP 517204 421,707 391,236 1.0779
BPP 529638 534,296 492,856 1.0841
LEASED VEHICLES 533420 175,865 166,182 1.0583
Stratum 3 Totals   1,668,173 1,585,801 1.0519

Category L1 - Stratum 4
$ 589,140 - $999,999,999

Legal Description Account Number Local Value PTAD Value Ratio
BPP 508952 2,012,138 1,920,695 1.0476
BPP 523405 678,639 592,818 1.1448
BPP 540017 700,343 737,439 0.9497
Stratum 4 Totals   3,391,120 3,250,952 1.0431

Category L1 - Totals

Stratum Comp Code Sample Parcels Stratum Parcels Sample Local Value Sample PTAD Value Stratum Local Value Stratum Ratio Stratum PTAD Value Category Ratio
1 U 0 127 0 0 916,005 916,005  
2 R 8 46 592,540 604,582 3,616,935 0.9801 3,690,373  
3 R 6 8 1,668,173 1,585,801 2,266,198 1.0519 2,154,385  
4 R 3 4 3,391,120 3,250,952 5,391,120 1.0431 5,168,364  
Total   17 185 5,651,833 5,441,335 12,190,258   11,929,127 1.0219