taxes Property Tax Assistance

2017 ISD Summary Worksheet


126-902/Burleson ISD

Category Local Tax Roll Value 2017 WTD Mean Ratio 2017 PTAD Value Estimate 2017 Value Assigned
A. Single-Family Residences 2,286,459,165 .9696 2,358,146,829 2,286,459,165
B. Multi-Family Residences 108,696,567 N/A 108,696,567 108,696,567
C1. Vacant Lots 63,039,271 N/A 63,039,271 63,039,271
C2. Colonia Lots 0 N/A 0 0
D1. Rural Real(Taxable) 893,803 1.3909 642,589 893,803
D2. Real Prop Farm & Ranch 2,902,310 N/A 2,902,310 2,902,310
E. Real Prop NonQual Acres 187,345,124 .9743 192,286,897 187,345,124
F1. Commercial Real 348,462,033 .9189 379,216,490 348,462,033
F2. Industrial Real 46,701,626 N/A 46,701,626 46,701,626
G. Oil, Gas, Minerals 84,347,309 N/A 84,347,309 84,347,309
J. Utilities 73,690,816 N/A 73,690,816 73,690,816
L1. Commercial Personal 157,895,250 .9688 162,980,233 157,895,250
L2. Industrial Personal 24,736,245 N/A 24,736,245 24,736,245
M. Other Personal 8,070,048 N/A 8,070,048 8,070,048
N. Intangible Personal Prop 0 N/A 0 0
O. Residential Inventory 2,383,815 N/A 2,383,815 2,383,815
S. Special Inventory 19,633,869 N/A 19,633,869 19,633,869
Subtotal 3,415,257,251 3,527,474,914 3,415,257,251
Less Total Deductions 677,344,550   699,482,958 677,344,550
Total Taxable Value 2,737,912,701 2,827,991,956 2,737,912,701 T2

The taxable values shown here will not match the values reported by your appraisal district

See the ISD DEDUCTION Report for a breakdown of deduction values

Government code subsections 403.302 (J) AND (K) require the Comptroller to certify alternative measures of school district wealth. These measures are reported for taxable values for maintenance and operation (M&O) tax purposes and for interest and sinking fund (I&S) tax purposes. For districts that have not entered into value limitation agreements, T1 through T4 will be the same as T7 through T10.

Value Taxable For M&O Purposes

T1 T2 T3 T4
2,830,200,294 2,737,912,701 2,830,200,294 2,737,912,701

Loss To
the Additional
$10,000 Homestead
50% of the loss
to the Local Optional
Percentage Homestead
92,287,593 0

T1 = School district taxable value for M&O purposes before the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption

T2 = School district taxable value for M&O purposes after the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption and the tax ceiling reduction

T3 = T1 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

T4 = T2 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

Value Taxable For I&S Purposes

T7 T8 T9 T10
2,830,200,294 2,737,912,701 2,830,200,294 2,737,912,701

T7 = School district taxable value for I&S purposes before the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption

T8 = School district taxable value for I&S purposes after the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption and the tax
ceiling reduction

T9 = T7 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

T10 = T8 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

The PVS found your local value to be valid, and local value was certified


126-902/Burleson ISD

Category Local Tax Roll Value 2017 WTD Mean Ratio 2017 PTAD Value Estimate 2017 Value Assigned
A. Single-Family Residences 1,135,638,811 .9705 1,170,158,486 1,135,638,811
B. Multi-Family Residences 20,009,603 N/A 20,009,603 20,009,603
C1. Vacant Lots 27,741,102 N/A 27,741,102 27,741,102
C2. Colonia Lots 0 N/A 0 0
D1. Rural Real(Taxable) 183,497 1.4552 126,098 183,497
D2. Real Prop Farm & Ranch 612,997 N/A 612,997 612,997
E. Real Prop NonQual Acres 9,195,619 N/A 9,195,619 9,195,619
F1. Commercial Real 298,167,936 .9010 330,930,007 298,167,936
F2. Industrial Real 6,900,018 N/A 6,900,018 6,900,018
G. Oil, Gas, Minerals 24,327,230 N/A 24,327,230 24,327,230
J. Utilities 28,716,511 N/A 28,716,511 28,716,511
L1. Commercial Personal 104,517,404 1.0138 103,094,697 104,517,404
L2. Industrial Personal 5,895,244 N/A 5,895,244 5,895,244
M. Other Personal 698,986 N/A 698,986 698,986
N. Intangible Personal Prop 0 N/A 0 0
O. Residential Inventory 14,399,331 N/A 14,399,331 14,399,331
S. Special Inventory 13,624,426 N/A 13,624,426 13,624,426
Subtotal 1,690,628,715 1,756,430,355 1,690,628,715
Less Total Deductions 259,757,843   266,868,422 259,757,843
Total Taxable Value 1,430,870,872 1,489,561,933 1,430,870,872 T2

The taxable values shown here will not match the values reported by your appraisal district

See the ISD DEDUCTION Report for a breakdown of deduction values

Government code subsections 403.302 (J) AND (K) require the Comptroller to certify alternative measures of school district wealth. These measures are reported for taxable values for maintenance and operation (M&O) tax purposes and for interest and sinking fund (I&S) tax purposes. For districts that have not entered into value limitation agreements, T1 through T4 will be the same as T7 through T10.

Value Taxable For M&O Purposes

T1 T2 T3 T4
1,471,927,898 1,430,870,872 1,471,927,898 1,430,870,872

Loss To
the Additional
$10,000 Homestead
50% of the loss
to the Local Optional
Percentage Homestead
41,057,026 0

T1 = School district taxable value for M&O purposes before the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption

T2 = School district taxable value for M&O purposes after the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption and the tax ceiling reduction

T3 = T1 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

T4 = T2 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

Value Taxable For I&S Purposes

T7 T8 T9 T10
1,471,927,898 1,430,870,872 1,471,927,898 1,430,870,872

T7 = School district taxable value for I&S purposes before the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption

T8 = School district taxable value for I&S purposes after the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption and the tax
ceiling reduction

T9 = T7 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

T10 = T8 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

The PVS found your local value to be valid, and local value was certified

126-902/Burleson ISD

Category Local Tax Roll Value 2017 WTD Mean Ratio 2017 PTAD Value Estimate 2017 Value Assigned
A. Single-Family Residences 3,422,097,976 .9699 3,528,305,315 3,422,097,976
B. Multi-Family Residences 128,706,170 N/A 128,706,170 128,706,170
C1. Vacant Lots 90,780,373 N/A 90,780,373 90,780,373
C2. Colonia Lots 0 N/A 0 0
D1. Rural Real(Taxable) 1,077,300 1.4015 768,687 1,077,300
D2. Real Prop Farm & Ranch 3,515,307 N/A 3,515,307 3,515,307
E. Real Prop NonQual Acres 196,540,743 .9755 201,482,516 196,540,743
F1. Commercial Real 646,629,969 .9106 710,146,497 646,629,969
F2. Industrial Real 53,601,644 N/A 53,601,644 53,601,644
G. Oil, Gas, Minerals 108,674,539 N/A 108,674,539 108,674,539
J. Utilities 102,407,327 N/A 102,407,327 102,407,327
L1. Commercial Personal 262,412,654 .9862 266,074,930 262,412,654
L2. Industrial Personal 30,631,489 N/A 30,631,489 30,631,489
M. Other Personal 8,769,034 N/A 8,769,034 8,769,034
N. Intangible Personal Prop 0 N/A 0 0
O. Residential Inventory 16,783,146 N/A 16,783,146 16,783,146
S. Special Inventory 33,258,295 N/A 33,258,295 33,258,295
Subtotal 5,105,885,966 5,283,905,269 5,105,885,966
Less Total Deductions 937,102,393   966,351,380 937,102,393
Total Taxable Value 4,168,783,573 4,317,553,889 4,168,783,573 T2

The taxable values shown here will not match the values reported by your appraisal district

See the ISD DEDUCTION Report for a breakdown of deduction values

Comptroller Of Public Accounts - Property Tax Division

2017 ISD Summary Worksheet

126-902/Burleson ISD

Final Values Worksheet

Government code subsections 403.302 (J) AND (K) require the Comptroller to certify alternative measures of school district wealth. These measures are reported for taxable values for maintenance and operation (M&O) tax purposes and for interest and sinking fund (I&S) tax purposes. For districts that have not entered into value limitation agreements, T1 through T4 will be the same as T7 through T10.

Value Taxable For M&O Purposes

T1 T2 T3 T4
4,302,128,192 4,168,783,573 4,302,128,192 4,168,783,573

Loss To
the Additional
$10,000 Homestead
50% of the loss
to the Local Optional
Percentage Homestead
133,344,619 0

T1 = School district taxable value for M&O purposes before the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption

T2 = School district taxable value for M&O purposes after the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption and the tax ceiling reduction

T3 = T1 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

T4 = T2 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

Value Taxable For I&S Purposes

T7 T8 T9 T10
4,302,128,192 4,168,783,573 4,302,128,192 4,168,783,573

T7 = School district taxable value for I&S purposes before the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption

T8 = School district taxable value for I&S purposes after the loss to the additional $10,000 homestead exemption and the tax
ceiling reduction

T9 = T7 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption

T10 = T8 minus 50% of the loss to the local optional percentage homestead exemption